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2007-11-23 6:28 PM No, I Didn't go Shopping!!! Read/Post Comments (2) |
For starters, I have very few people to shop for. In addition, standing in lines doesn't do much for my ambulatory apparatus. Lastly, I had plenty to do at home--although whether I did everything I wanted remains to be seen.
I got some vacuuming done and a bunch of general cleanup. I was debating doing some yard work when my neighbor gave me a call and was then over here with Thanksgiving leftovers. We chatted a bunch and it was quite enjoyable. It is years and years since I have had "neighborly" neighbors. She gave me the news that the 45 acres behind us seems to have halted any development. No wonder--all of a sudden the housing market has bottomed out. Guess we'll have the trees for a while longer. (And the raccoons and possums.) I can't be sure, but it looks like something was nibbling at a dog biscuit on the top step of the porchlet. I don't think Lady eats those things. The raccoons don't seem overly disturbed when I open the door to look at them, so a bold one might have been eating there when I'm "safely" asleep. Part of my cleaning involved putting the remaining water bottles (about a dozen) into the fridge and throwing away the box that originally held two dozen--and had been around since Katrina. It was no problem getting a case of bottled water from the relief people, and then YD had access to all sorts of things via her work. Luckily, I'd done that before my neighbor came by, although around here stockpiled water and/or MREs are not particularly uncommon. It's been a quiet (and restful) day, even though I don't seem to have accomplished too much of the ought-to stuff. Most of the ought-to stuff has been much postponed, but the world hasn't ended because it's not been done. One accomplishment of this morning was getting books sorted into mini-bins by categories. Next task will be moving these small bins into my office room. (I go for very small tasks--that way it sounds like I've accomplished more And tomorrow I shall continue to avoid stores where crowds are gathered spending money and going into high-interest debt. Read/Post Comments (2) Previous Entry :: Next Entry Back to Top |
:: HOME :: GET EMAIL UPDATES :: * :: Mark of the Demon :: * :: Diana :: Rhubarb :: Flight Level 390 :: Baghdad Burning :: Cat Lady :: A Word A Day :: EMAIL :: |
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