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The Blind March
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Nick and I have a collaboration, a bit of cliché-repurposing Ameripocalypticana called "Blind Date", up at the newest issue of Lenox Avenue (which also has stories by Michael Canfield and Elizabeth Bear among others). There's also an interview in which Nick and I questioned one another, which is pleasantly recursive, I think. Go, read, etc.

I'm reading John Scalzi's Old Man's War (breezy style, very readable) and just downloaded the audiobook for Jonathan Lethem's Fortress of Solitude. I run hot and cold on Lethem, liking some of his work and hating other bits of it, so we'll see.

Otherwise, precious little going on. The cats are hacking up hairballs; this is the sound of spring. March came with wind and rain. Chinese food tastes even better as leftovers the second day. The day job is quiet. Things could be worse.

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