(Speaking of resolutions, T-Rex has something to say on the subject.)
As I do here every year, I'll now look back on last year's resolutions (including the usual recurring resolutions):
- Be nicer to my body. [Well, now. Hmm. I did lose about 12 pounds, so I must be doing something right! Though the badness of my holiday health makes me feel some sense of failure on this score.]
- Keep in better touch with my family. [Yes, better touch, but still not good -- I'm bad about this.]
- Write better stories. [I wrote a few stories, and two are, I think, among my very best, and they're coming out next year: "Restless in My Hand" in Realms of Fantasy and "From Around Here" in Klima's spelling bee anthology.]
- Write joyfully. [Oh yeah. The novel and a half I wrote this year were sometimes maddening, but they were mostly a great joy, the way achieving something that stretches you to the limits of your abilities gives you joy.]
- Sell another novel. [I sold two! Take that, resolution!]
- Write the Bridge novel. [I finished the first draft in March, and it's been sitting there mellowing since then.]
- Spend more time with my nephew. [We've hung out a fair bit!]
- Talk to my wife and figure out our life goals, and how to get started toward them. [Yep. We're taking steps toward affecting some large long-term changes.]
- Write a ludicrous amount of short fiction. [Nope, I suck. Only wrote about half a dozen stories (not counting short-shorts, of which I did several). "Restless in my Hand," "From Around Here," "Grander than the Sea," a couple of pseudonymous erotica pieces, and "The Christmas Mummy" collaboration. So this one carries over to next year.]
- Publish two issues of Flytrap. On time. [Done!]
- Publish two chapbooks. [Done! We'll try to do the same next year.]
- Get another of my other World of Warcraft characters to level 60. [What a dorky resolution! Didn't happen. My orc rogue is in his 40s though. WoW was just less important to me this year...]
- Spend more time in coffee shops. [Nope, not even with working four days a week. I mostly work at home. Can't decide if that's a good thing or not.]
- Eat better. [Yep, definitely. Hence losing 12 pounds!]
- Watch more movies in the theater. [Nope, about as many as last year.]
- Be a good husband. [I'll have to ask Heather if I achieved this one...]
New resolutions:
- Write a novella or two. [I have never successfully written a novella, though I love the form.]
- Get the house a bit more organized.
That's actually about it. I don't feel the need for a lot of serious course-corrections this year. The good ship My Life is chugging along fairly nicely.
That'll do.