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I'm bored!
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Here are the things I could be doing right now:

Cleaning my room.

Trying to find a fax machine where I could fax the ad for the apartment to Concordia College.

Working on the latest section of my novel.

Looking over the critiques of my last story from workshop.

Here are the reasons, I'm not doing those:

I don't care.

My head hurts.

I already wrote a little bit today (half a page, but still).

I'd rather complain about being bored.

So there. Well, still looking for that elusive roommate. Actually plenty of very nice people have inquired about the apartment, but none of them can move in before August, which would mean Shazia and I would still have to pay extra rent in June and July. Arrgh.

However, I did get good news this week. Susan is moving to BASF's plant in New Jersey in mid July for a six month assignment. I already hit Mapquest and it is only an hour and fifteen minutes from Mount Vernon. Not even half as bad as driving to Norman from Tulsa (almost 3 hours) which I did plenty of times last year. Laura apparently still does not know what she is doing, so I am giving up on moving for now. The way prices are going up in the city, I might as well wait until I get a real job to move down there.

So there is good news, but right now I am suffering through major end of semester malaise, ennui, etc. I still have two more classes to sit through -- or dance through, since one of them is ballet. I can't believe I've been in New York for an entire school year. And to think last year at this time, I was still trying to figure out how to get here.

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