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Because I live for making my younger brother happy.
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(Ha, ha.)

Anyway, married little brother was complaining that it had been almost a week since I posted, so just to make him happy:

It's been a fairly productive week, or at least I haven't spent every night on David Lee Roth (the big purple sofa) staring dazedly at the TV, and I actually worked on my novel two nights in a row. Today I went for a walk -- actually the intent was to find the library, but I was unsuccessful, and then I remembered it was Yom Kippur and the library was probably closed anyway (one more thing to add to my list of "You know you're in New York when ..."). So I wandered around parts of my neighborhood I hadn't really seen yet -- I found a nice little park (Leif Erickson park -- in a neighborhood that is predominantly Italian, Chinese, and Russian) and what is apparently the Chinese shopping district. Then I went and picked out a new hair color -- well, not drastically new, just back to a darker blond and all over hair color instead of highlights. I like it, I think. At the very least it makes the growing out highlights blend in better.

Before I left on my walk, I finally got some little pieces of paper and replaced the labels on my mailbox and buzzer so it has my last name instead of the old tenant's. I feel all official now.

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