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Hobbling towards Bethlehem
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Reading: The New Yorker (article on Tony Kushner)
Music: Connemara
TV/Movie: Uzimaki
Link o' the Day: Museum of

I have a whole new appreciation for people who live with disabilities every day of their lives. it's been a while since I've last had to get around on crutches, so I've forgotten what a pain in the ass it is. I've managed to make it down the hill to the bus stop, go downtown, and walk the block to work these past three days with only a little bit of hassle, but we're due for 3-6 inches of snow tomorrow and...


Actually, it's the sight of ice on a sidewalk thats's going to make me twitch for the rest of the year. I should have enough traction in snow to hobble along well enough on flat surfaces, but it's that tramp down the hill to the bus stop that's making me pause. Ack, gentlemen and ladies. Ack.

Ah well, maybe I can cadge a ride or, at worst, do up a cab.

The leg, otherwise, continues to improve. I can pretty much ignore the brace unless I'm going to be on my feet for a truly extended and active period of time, although there was one little tipsy moment on the stairs when I briefly forgot I was lame thought I could use my bad leg.


Well, patience. I finally got an orthopedist to take an appointment. It's be over a week away, but I'm counting on being able to dance into the lobby.

* * *
Writing has been a bit slow lately. I'm not even sure where I stand with some of my slush items. There are a couple of pieces that have been out in the slush for a year now and I'm considering pulling them and trying other markets. I have some half-finished pieces which will need attention, and there is always the Large Writing Project (LWP) to consider and continue outlining and planning. I also have some poems, one movie script, and one stage play in various states of construction. Mayhaps I'll get them set up on the laptop and work on them with that, keeping my big computer for freelance typesetting and games only.

* * *
SFWA Bulletin subscribers should be getting their Fall issue any day now. The cover was done by yours truly. Neat, eh? I'll put up a copy of the image sometime soon. Honest Promise. The next issue is already being planned so we can get that out and clear before the nebula issue hits us.

I recently finished laying out books on Frank Tuttle and Sybil Jason, another Twilight Zone script book, and am starting one on Peggy Ann Garner. Bearmanor should be doing a Jack Benny book sometime this year--I better be the one tapped to work on it!

* * *
Pretty Maggie is as wonderful as ever and I'm a very lucky man.

* * *
Link of the day? How about the Museum of It's a fun little site... similar, I suppose, to but more interactive.



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