Woodstock's Blog Books and other stuff I feel like discussing By education and experience - Accountant with a specialty in taxation. Formerly a CPA (license has lapsed). Masters degree in law of taxation from University of Denver. Now retired. Part time work during baseball season as receptionist & switchboard operator for the Colorado Rockies. This gig feeds my soul in ways I have trouble articulating. One daughter, and four grandchildren. I share the house with two cats; a big goof of a cat called Grinch (named as a joke for his easy going "whatever" disposition); and Lady, a shelter adoptee with a regal bearing and sweet little soprano voice. I would be very bereft if it ever becomes necessary to keep house without a cat. |
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Mood: Exasperated Read/Post Comments (2) |
2008-08-25 1:09 PM Stupid Democrats No, I'm not referring to any voting behaviors on the floor of the convention. I'm referring to public behavior. To be fair, I've only had to contend with two displays, but they were stupid enough to get my dander up.
The Rockies were in town yesterday, and about the eighth inning, a man came into the reception area. He was a state legislator from a state on one edge of the continent, he had been invited to a gathering in one of the fancy suites at the ballpark to watch the game and hobnob with other politicians. He did not have a ticket, he didn't have his invitation, he had imagined that he could walk in, and be escorted upstairs. Well, without a ticket, that's not going to happen no matter who you are or who might have invited you. And contrary to his expectations, we did not have any suites rented to the DNC. A quick call to the will-call window - no ticket in his name. A call upstairs to the suite office - there were a dozen groups connected with the convention watching the game in one or another of the suites. So the hard working Suite Services guy went from one party to another, asking if any of them were expecting the guy waiting in the lobby, found his group, got him a ticket, and escorted him upstairs. His explanation for his late arrival was reasonable enough, late plane, heavy traffic, etc. But I confesss, I don't understand heading out to a party without even a sketchy idea of who has invited you! So THEN, on the way home, heading west through downtown, I wasn't surprised to encounter unusually heavy traffic. Quite a few of the main thoroughfares heading west out of downtown and east INTO downtown have been closed until Friday morning. But I was startled at the very heavy pedestrian traffic. And at one intersection, with the traffic light in favor of westbound traffic, a group of pedestrians left the curb, walked to the middle of the intersection, turned west and started snapping photographs! They reacted with surprise and consternation when drivers began honking at them! What on earth were they thinking? Surely they can't be contemplating that Denver will shut down EVERYTHING except what they find convenient. Bottom line, Mr Woodstock and I should be able to survive the next four days without venturing into downtown for any reason. And that's my plan and I'm sticking to it. Read/Post Comments (2) Previous Entry :: Next Entry Back to Top |
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