Woodstock's Blog Books and other stuff I feel like discussing By education and experience - Accountant with a specialty in taxation. Formerly a CPA (license has lapsed). Masters degree in law of taxation from University of Denver. Now retired. Part time work during baseball season as receptionist & switchboard operator for the Colorado Rockies. This gig feeds my soul in ways I have trouble articulating. One daughter, and four grandchildren. I share the house with two cats; a big goof of a cat called Grinch (named as a joke for his easy going "whatever" disposition); and Lady, a shelter adoptee with a regal bearing and sweet little soprano voice. I would be very bereft if it ever becomes necessary to keep house without a cat. |
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2008-08-27 6:16 PM Bunny update The little bunny (we call him/her the "honey bunny") continues to reside in our back yard. I think it must be about 18 months old by now. We have an ornamental plum tree on either side of the house, and a flowering crab apple tree near the driveway. You might be interested to know that the fallen fruit from each type is very tasty to a bunny! I even found a little pile of plum pits in the yard one day, each pit carefully licked clean of every shred of pulp.
Honey Bunny used to spook and run as fast as possible when a human joined him/her in the yard. Of late, I have been able to go out to the clothesline, bring in the newspaper, and other brief errands with no explosion of movement. I move calmly and deliberately, speaking softly, and never make a move in the rabbit's direction. A bright little black eye follows my move across the yard and back, and Mr Woodstock watching from a window tells me that bunny activity resumes (usually munching grass) as I near the door of the house. One early evening, I was able to get a snapshot. With Beeg's help, I think I have uploaded it -
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