Woodstock's Blog Books and other stuff I feel like discussing By education and experience - Accountant with a specialty in taxation. Formerly a CPA (license has lapsed). Masters degree in law of taxation from University of Denver. Now retired. Part time work during baseball season as receptionist & switchboard operator for the Colorado Rockies. This gig feeds my soul in ways I have trouble articulating. One daughter, and four grandchildren. I share the house with two cats; a big goof of a cat called Grinch (named as a joke for his easy going "whatever" disposition); and Lady, a shelter adoptee with a regal bearing and sweet little soprano voice. I would be very bereft if it ever becomes necessary to keep house without a cat. |
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2010-06-24 6:35 AM Coors Field Nugget One - Reporting from Fenway West Let's see if I can get back in the swing of commenting on tidbits from major league baseball in Colorado.
The Red Sox are in town for a three game series. Colorado fans have sour memories of October 2007 when we were swept in the World Series. About half of the crowd has been representing Red Sox Nation in the first two games. So in each half inning, every strike, every out, every hit is greeted by cheers. The noise level out on the concourse is not something I can come close to describing. I had to run an errand on Tuesday evening to deliver a set of car keys to a fan sitting in the upper deck. Just as I arrived, the crowd erupted in cheers and I looked around, pleased to know we had a base runner. Wrong. The base runner was from Boston. Part of what I find irritating is the attitude of complancency and entitlement. "We suffered for years, always losing, Bill Buckner, the curse of the Bambino, blah, blah, blah." But since the current ownership took over, Boston has been a strong player in the AL east. They are no longer a sad sack team. So it's with pleasure that I blog this morning. The first game was a sparkling pitchers duel, with Jhouyls Chacin on the mound for the Rockies, facing Jon Lester. Chacin pitched a seven hit game, twice getting out of bases loaded jams with no damage. Reliever Beimel struck out David Ortiz, also with the bases loaded, and Clint Barmes filling in at short for injured Troy Tulowitzki, finished off the top of the ninth with an incredible display of how to be an infielder. Rockies won 2-1, Red Sox Nation had to shut up for a while, at least, and Rockies fans could go to bed knowing we would not be swept at home this time around. The star of our pitching staff started yesterday. Ubaldo Jimenez has not been feeling well, and it showed. He left the game after giving up an early lead. But Boston's John Lackey didn't have a good night either, and the score was 6-5 Boston in the top of the ninth. And the top of the ninth was the kind of stuff you read about in fiction packed with cliches. Boston's star closer Jonathan Papelbon pitching. Third baseman Ian Stewart, who has been in a batting slump, lead off with a home run. Score tied. Clint Barmes singled, Ryan Spillborghs bunted him over to second base, and Jason Giambi came up to pinch hit. Walk off home run, an 8-6 win, and not only will we not be swept at home, the series will end in our favor, no matter what happens tonight. Red Sox nation will just have to deal with it. I've got more to write about, I'll try to get another Nugget up later on today. Read/Post Comments (2) Previous Entry :: Next Entry Back to Top |
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