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International Standard Goals in a Mostly-20th Century Country

Maybe I shouldn't have started this blog now, not with everything that's been going on.

Had the second class perform the same optics lab experiment as last Tuesday. It was supposed to have gone smoother, except that this class refused to believe some answers came easy. We're talking about "Introduction to Ray Optics", and they had to ask if their answer to the question "Where does the light come from?" is correct. They couldn't accept that is was as simple as "from the lamp." That's why it's introductory. Assume the one performing the experiment knows nothing.

The Computer Science group consulting with me finally had their redefense today. First, they were told it was at 130pm, when it started at 1pm. So they were already being stoked in the fire when I arrived. What got to me was that their adviser (a former dean with worldwide credentials) was the one grilling them, in a tone of voice that made it clear he already knew the answer to his question, he just wanted the students to say it, maybe even realize it. After all, they knew how to make the astronomy software. But the guy was looking for why they were making it in the first place.

They were given conditional approval, as long as they passed a table listing the topics they were going to cover, how it was currently being taught, and how they were suggesting to change that. Of course, I was the one who made that, taking one and a half hours.

I told them to have it printed out and given to their panelists as early as possible so that if there are any changes suggested, we could incorporate it immediately.

Oh, and I had a very deep nap from around 10am to 1pm again, catching up on sleep.

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