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Grammatically Gray

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People with Lofty Ideals Used to Being Attended To

Student "edition" found at {thoughts dot com slash typed no space out no space loud slash blog}.

Maybe I shouldn't have started this blog now, not with everything that's been going on.

In line with Mr. Most Important Research that I have named in the past, I would like to call the office that I mentioned in the student accessible version as the Most Important Cause.

We are supposed to drop everything (the grade school and high school even cut their classes short for that day) and listen to them and talk to each other because they say so for three hours.

Part of the gall that gets me is that we had a preparation meeting earlier for their visit next week, that included a list of what we were supposed to do when they got here, and what he had to prepare.

We had to prepare an ice breaker activity for our own participants when they got here.

We also had to prepare several hundreds of cards that we were supposed to write on, in specific colors.

Then afterward we were to place these in specially laid out boards that they detailed.

But besides this, they want us to assign persons who would be in charge of documentation for the event for each focus group discussion, (despite having the cards already) with laptops.

They wanted one laptop per focus group, of which there are sixteen (with nine faculty, staff, high school and college students and administration in each group). They also set aside one and half hours for each group to share their answers on the cards.

And these related to how and why you could help a specific part of the district's overall mission in the country.

I could already imagine someone saying, "I think I would be able to help most in the education mission. Why? It's because I'm a teacher. How? I should just get out of here and back to the classroom where I could do the job the school and I agreed I should do."

@@ Besides that, another office of the district wants a delegation of students and faculty to go to their office in the hills of green on Friday, with only two days warning given today by email.

At least they emailed me directly this time, instead of bypassing me like they did during the summer, and going straight to the participants and to the president, then expect my office to pay for their transportation a week's notice before the event.

It's another drop everything you’re doing scenario, but now it's go to where they want us to go.

But I'm not sure if we will be able to get any of the students to go, since they may have already set other plans this close to the date.

Session 2695 wishes there was another reason like "too close to finals" to not go. Class dismissed.

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