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2010-01-06 2:55 PM Multi-Platforming Student "edition" found at {thoughts dot com slash typed no space out no space loud slash blog}.
Maybe I shouldn't have started this blog now, not with everything that's been going on. I'm blanking. On what to write for today. That could be related to academics not suitable for my students. But there is nothing that secretive for now. Okay, I guess I will write about Lego Indiana Jones instead. It was Joel who first got me onto the Lego games, showing me Lego Star Wars for the Play Station. I liked it so much that I got the game for the Game Boy Advance, and later for the DS. Apparently there are two versions out for the DS (and for the GBA) the first encompassing the complete saga and the second for only the original trilogy. You would think it would have been the other way around. Thankfully for the WII it has only been the complete saga, but who knows if they will come up with the original trilogy next? There were also PC versions by the way, but I never got into that because Nintendo (which cool enough is not being marked by my spellchecker) never made a desktop or a laptop. What is up with that? I guess George Lucas and the toy company liked the association so much that they looked for other properties of the filmmaker to make into blocks and that is how Indiana Jones got into the picture. I liked the game play of the DS version in that I could put out torches, inflate rafts and rotate fans by blowing on the microphone of the system. And there were actions like cracking the whip that had to be done by moving your thumb across the touch screen and you get more studs than simply pressing a button that does the same thing. Now there is the crux of the play: the studs. They have two purposes: collect enough for each level and you get the True Adventurer distinction, a take on the True Jedi (again accepted by my very up-to-date spellchecker!) from the Star Wars game; and to buy extra characters, extra hints, or just plain extras, such as invincibility. The last is the most expensive, but should be priority one because it makes getting the other extras, which are cheaper, easier. Besides that you have to play each level at least twice, once in story mode and once in free play, where you get to use other characters (for example, Yoda and the Emperor were very cool to get in the Star Wars game because their extra Jedi powers made the battle scenes real neat) to enter areas in the level (or chapter) otherwise not accessible, to get all the parts for an artifact, another trophy of completion. In the WII game, you actually have to find a parcel, find the mailbox, and put one in the other (not the mailbox in the parcel, of course) to be able to receive the extra that you want to buy. In Indiana Jones, invincibility is in the last chapter of the third movie, which means you really have had to finish everything else to get it. In the DS version, you have to get True Adventurer twice, once in story mode and once in free play, but in the WII version, only once per chapter. Besides that, there are also stud or Treasure multipliers, from x2 to x10, which STACK, so that if you get them all, each stud you collect actually means three thousand added plus to your total. Also, there are legal codes, to get the extra characters and extras by another way, but that is not as much fun. Session 2903 not want job as game reviewer. Class dismissed. Read/Post Comments (0) Previous Entry :: Next Entry Back to Top |
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