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Mood: Not Greedy At All Read/Post Comments (0) |
2010-04-12 5:54 PM The Lengths to Go to For Profit Student "edition" found at {thoughts dot com slash typed no space out no space loud slash blog}.
Maybe I shouldn't have started this blog now, not with everything that's been going on. This is being written while in the spa, lying in one of the beds for most of the day with the laptop beside me, pecking at the keys with one hand inches from my face and reading the screen sideways. I guess the toll of the past few days has caught up with me, as I said, having gone to several malls from four cities looking for supplies and displays that will improve the appearance of the place of business. The two farthest places, according to Google Maps, are 75 kilometers apart. That is from here {http://wikimapia.org/#lat=13.9547259&lon=121.1630845&z=16&l=0&m=b} to here {http://wikimapia.org/#lat=14.6194648&lon=121.0503942&z=18&l=0&m=b}. Do I want to do an actual kilometer count of the travel, since I ended up in the same place anyway, here, {http://wikimapia.org/#lat=14.1007053&lon=121.1471683&z=18&l=0&m=b} from Thursday night to Sunday night? No. That would be too much. But I will say that some of the stops were in Carmel Mall, {http://wikimapia.org/#lat=14.2132397&lon=121.1103255&z=18&l=0&m=b}, Liana’s Mall {http://wikimapia.org/#lat=14.2133437&lon=121.1505264&z=18&l=0&m=b} Walter Mart Crossing {http://wikimapia.org/#lat=14.202449&lon=121.1536002&z=18&l=0&m=b}, Festival Mall {http://wikimapia.org/#lat=14.4173072&lon=121.0405397&z=16&l=0&m=b} and Megamall {http://wikimapia.org/#lat=14.584248&lon=121.0571909&z=16&l=0&m=b}. Was it a full weekend? You bet. Lotions were bought, talcum powder, soaps, as well as several strange new drinks never before seen anywhere else, plus the card game already mentioned in the student accessible version as well as some other toys. Of course that also includes a few plain shirts, since I was in the area for longer than I had anticipated without getting to go home. What’s ironic about that part: the pair sold at the big mall was actually of a lower quality than that sold at the small retail shop of a neighboring city that did not have that big mall at the same price. Less overhead I guess. Actually, since I had no idea how long it would be before the accident near Yakult would be resolved, I had to have at least a change of clothes for one more day. I had hoped that by then the roads would be cleared. Of course it was, because it is by then Monday and I was able to go to Festival Mall on Saturday. I really ought to mention that the farthest place I went to was actually for a sideline business of one of my employees, in fact my new manager. He wants to make his own perfumes, alcohol and fabric conditioners. I guess it is better to go there for him than for him to force to go there on his own, and have that as time away from work. Although he already has the next few holidays planned out where when he is going to be leaving the spa and buying more stuff for his counter top business, such as Labor Day (when we will not be closed but I will be honoring my employees with free food) and the nationwide elections. For now, we have a seventy-thirty agreement since he needs capital from me to be able to get it off the ground, and most of what he is selling the spa needs anyway. Session 3039 likes this mutual beneficence. Class dismissed. Read/Post Comments (0) Previous Entry :: Next Entry Back to Top |
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