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Mood: Hoping It Does End Today Read/Post Comments (0) |
2010-04-13 1:04 PM New Weekend Ending Day Student "edition" found at {thoughts dot com slash typed no space out no space loud slash blog}.
Maybe I shouldn't have started this blog now, not with everything that's been going on. One thing I forgot to mention about the weekend in the student accessible version, although not on the micro social blogging networks that could be updated by phone, is that the people I was with who went to the anime con ate at Persian Café for lunch. Pita bread with cucumber dip/spread was so good and looked so nonfattening we never realized that we had ordered more than four refills already. @@ Another thing, for the acquisition lists, is that I got Lego Batman for the WII at Data Blitz of Megamall for less than one thousand three hundred pesos, beating out Lego Indiana Jones for the WII and Lego Rock Band for the approval of my wallet (more truthfully, my credit card) for purchase. @@ Ryan got an old 3D game programming book from 1995 with a diskette that is really not 3D but more of how to simulate 3D using maze games such as that Castle Wolf game against Hitler that popularized it. I honestly could not remember anymore if I had that self same book, so I just let him get it, after all, it was on sale for a hundred and fifty pesos at the once exclusive Macro Minds store before all these computer books started sprouting everywhere, including Book Sale. I remember first using my preapproved credit card there, to buy another game programming book. That was preapproved for the fulltime faculty of the school I was previously teaching at, one of the perks I liked. @@ I do not know if I have already mentioned that it was Thursday last week that I last logged on anywhere, even though again I still update my status with my phone, although if there are any reactions I do not get to read them. That means that all the online games that I used to frequent where I had to log on everyday to maximize the turns have stopped accumulating action points for me, having reached the upper limit. And I do not regret it. Somehow staying in the spa is now more important, and more enjoyable. Okay, maybe it was the first reason second and the second reason first. Okay, not maybe. @@ I also talked about movies in SM being way cheaper than in Festival Mall, and there are three SM cinemas that I know of that are one ride away from the place: beyond the prison, South Mall, and at the entrance of Better Living. In fact, it is four if I count the one in Sta. Rosa as being a ride away. It really would not be such as bad thing to have a movie at a hundred and fifty pesos, if I knew the theater had been renovated. But this is Festival Mall we are talking about here, that one film fan who lives nearby has already detested because their sound systems, supposedly digital, have been malfunctioning for years now. Well, that pricing themselves out of the reach of the consumer as well as the purveyors of pre-screened movies now going door-to-door, or at least on the street hawking their wares, tolls their death knell. But really, if cinemas die out, will no new movies be made anymore, or will all of them resort to a giant screen format and 3D gimmicks? I hope it means the death of exploitative cinema, where no new content but rehashed story lines draw no more viewers. Session 3041 is somewhat rambling today. Class dismissed. Read/Post Comments (0) Previous Entry :: Next Entry Back to Top |
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