Your Favorite Annoying Teen

Life in the Making

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A summery of Your Favorite Annoying T...

Hello, I am YFAT or Lo. I have been writing/around on Journal Scape for over a decade now. Time flies! This journal chronicles my random thoughts, high moments and sometimes low, throughout high school, college, and now beyond, into the world of "adulthood", whatever that means.

Sinerely, ~Lo


My thoughts are where they are supposed to be
poised here inside of me
craving to reach out and crawl out and scream about
my thoughts are not to be silenced by negativity and contemption
sometimes I wonder why people cannot see clearly
if they all need glasses
or maybe I just have a different perscription
maybe I am filled with dead dreams
but they are moving me
pushing me
to find the answers
not to state the problem
passion rolls through my head
anger in my legs
sadness in my mind
movement in me legs to get this moving
for action
my eyes search and seek and add together the potential things that could change this
but I need more knowledge still
and I am gathering it
I need the right words to fill it
I want to be done with talkin
I used them but I get so tired of
I can never express what I need to in
but all the world wants is
and my hands cannot simply sketch fast enough
and my voice will never sing the notes loud enough
but sometime
I need to do
with me
with everything I see because
I don't want to become
but I fear I am
and I am restless as I stand
So why am I still typing these words?
Because I need to do
I need to do something as I wait for my baker's buns to be hot and ready enough to take out of the oven
while I wait for the rest of the

I need you to live in the now.
Not the then
Not the when

I am raw and tired.
My mind is fired.
I need sleep but all the same I am somewhere I like to be:
unrestrained, uncensored, bullshitless, on the verge.

But even that slows after a time
and it becomes harder to find the rhyme the rythem
you fall back in to the same sentence lines that have no care for making something so much as beautiful in their formation and are not so much things of streaming beauty but chopped up, ordered and regimented to the human laws of non-nature.

I really should go find sleep though.

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