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Read/Post Comments (0) Hello, I am YFAT or Lo. I have been writing/around on Journal Scape for over a decade now. Time flies! This journal chronicles my random thoughts, high moments and sometimes low, throughout high school, college, and now beyond, into the world of "adulthood", whatever that means. Sinerely, ~Lo |
2010-12-07 3:16 PM Wazzup December? Happy December!
Tomorrow is the last day of classes! It's crazy to think the end of the semester is here already but I am glad for its coming. I am ready for winter break before starting my last semester at Wells. It hasn't been a bad semester but it hasn't been a great one either. At this point I'm a bit apathetic. I am handing my thesis in sometime between tomorrow and Friday and I will be happy to be rid of it. I've made significant jumps on it since my first rough draft but it is far from beautiful. At this point the grade no longer matters to me, as long as I can put it away for a while. I have grammatical and format edits between me and being done. I will be very happy to have it out of my hands for a while. As far as my other classes go I feel okay. I am doing pretty well with Intro to Performing Arts. I'm expecting a B+ as far as that class goes. I've kicked ass on the projects. Now we have to see how our final performance goes. Each group is doing the same scene from Electra but "anywhere but the stage" in the theatre. I signed up to play Electra in our group. It's about time I tested out my acting skills and why not do it first with an over-dramatic chick that wants to kill her step-dad and has an unhealthy obsession with her dead father? I'm having fun with getting into character. However...our director is an idiot. She also hates the play. Why would you direct it if you hate it?! Her suggestion for the performance was melodramatic, pot smoking, comedic, hippies. How the fuck do you get that out of Electra?! Our meeting yesterday was somewhat disastrous. I have a somewhat dominant personality to begin with and our director did not know what she was doing. Did I push her and change the direction of things a bit? Yes. Did I look at her with the intimidating glare of "You need to get your shit together"? Oh yes. But hey, she knows what her job is now. I just can't stand the "I'm leading!" thing and then the person doesn't lead. I really am content to follow but I need to be convinced first. Yes, yes, must resist steam rolling. I'll be good now. Rawrgh. Anyway, we should have it together by next Tuesday. We're going with the 60s theme but we're not going to be high and are keeping it serious, to my great joy. Creative Non-Fiction has been pretty fun. In that class I was always a willing reader and gave pretty good constructive techniques. My pieces themselves covered a broad range of form and subject and I have definitely grown since the beginning. I have three or four pieces that I am really proud of- namely Fireworks Tree, An Evening in the Barn and a piece I just wrote last night called Coming to Terms. Writing Coming to Terms was a real relief. I've been attempting to write about my disability struggles all semester but it just wasn't coming to me. But last night the fire took over my hands and my fingers flew across the keyboard as I wrote about my experiences and my realization of what physical disability means. I didn't even skim the surface but I said enough. My professor loved it. He was impressed because it wasn't self-pitying, it was just saying how it is, letting the reader into my struggles honestly. My professor said he would like to see me submit the work to The Healing Muse, a literary magazine published by Syracuse University Hospital Press. I might not get in but with some editing he thinks there is a good chance. I think he's been waiting for a piece like mine all semester, to be quite honest because he really really likes the Healing Muse. So yeah, I made him happy and myself happy. The last thing I have to do for that class is meet and talk about my portfolio of work. As far as Ancient China goes all I have left is a ten page paper that I will doing throughout the coming week. Another class which I don't really care about since my professor inspired apathy. Ancient China is awesome but I don't care anymore. As students we took over the class a bit and learned more from each other than we did the professor. Very annoying to all of us. ~~~~~ Anyhoo aside from academics: I GET TO SEE MATT IN THREE WEEKS!!!! I will be flying out to his home in Indiana just before New Years. I'll finally have a midnight kiss! :-D I'll be out there for two weeks before flying back home. I am quite anxious as this will be the first time I have flown and the farthest I've ever been from home. I really couldn't care about Christmas at this point, I just want to see my man! Eeek! It was a huge relief when I bought my tickets last week. I nabbed a good deal- round trip, no-stops flight for $270. Not forking bad. It is completely worth it in so many ways. Another yay- we hit nine months together yesterday. Crazy, right? Time forking flies. The great thing is I'm still madly in love and continue to dream about it. I seriously scored a winner. :-) The world looks like the tundra outside after snowing for a week straight but because winter has decided it is here to stay my joint pain has left me. This makes me very happy. A month and a half straight of pain is absolute misery. Now I just have to be careful to not slip on ice and keep colds away. Wow, my brain is blanking now. I thought I had a lot to write about but apparently not. Anyhoo, I'll give an update again when I'm home and hopefully one while I'm in Indiana. Happy holidays! Peace. ~Lo Read/Post Comments (0) Previous Entry :: Next Entry Back to Top |
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