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My feet will wander in distant lands, my heart drink its fill at strange fountains, until I forget all desires but the longing for home.

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Mother's day


Last weekend, Warren took me to a wildlife park / petting zoo in the area, and I saw Real Kiwis snuffling at each other without any glass or anything, plus a hedgehog actually moving and looking relatively pleased about its life. Got to feed unmentionable tidbits to slowly voracious eels. Saw various plumey birds, ring-tailed leumrs, a family of otters. Walking in the sunshine among constantly surprising creatures and plants, sweetheart at my side, makes for a marvelous day.

This weekend, we attended a 50th birthday party for one of the aikido instructors Saturday night. Sunday, we took Warren's mom out on a "kidnap" mother's day, driving through wet countryside and autumn colors, wine-tasting and a light but elegant lunch at a couple of Waipara wineries, and finally a soak in the hot pools at Hanmer Springs. Which, needless to say, I enjoyed as much or more than she did.

Work continues, and aikido. In spite of being busy for all of daylight and then some, I'm finally finding time to cook in the evenings so I have lunch and dinner prepared ahead for the next day, good food that I like, which makes my days that much brighter. Have acquired a bicycle, and also found a workmate living on my street, so the commute is looking decidedly easier.

Life is good.

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