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The Weakest Link
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Brain Dead

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I have found my weakest link when it comes to the subjects on the bar exam, and that is Contracts. I never understood it back in law school and I don't really understand it any better now. Carrie came over this morning and we spent the morning going over the substantive law of Contracts. When we were done and took our lunch/Passions break we thought we knew it pretty well. We were wrong. This afternoon we did the multiple choice questions and sucked massive ass. She ended up with around 64% right and I ended up with around 62% right. Not nearly good enough for the bar. We've worked our asses off all day and understand nothing. I think she gets a bit more of it than I do, but we're still pretty screwed right now. And then her roommate mentioned to her that if we don't know the law by now, we're fucked. Well, I don't know about Carrie, but I don't know the law and that's what I'm trying to learn. I have a feeling that I'm going to be really fucked when the bar rolls around.

And to top it all off, time is running out. The first day of the bar is one week from today. A week from today I will be done with day one (out of three days) of the bar. I don't feel ready and I know that I'm not prepared. I don't think I can become prepared in one week. It's just not enough time and I'm really fucked. I know I can always take it in February (if my parents will cover the costs for me), but I don't want to go through all this hell again (and I don't want to have gone through all of what I'm going through now for nothing). I need to pass the first time and I just don't know if I can do it. I have a feeling that I'll start freaking out more and more as the days move on and the time gets closer and closer to the bar. AARGH!!!

So, the point of all this is that I am a complete and utter moron when it comes to the law of Contracts. Tonight Carrie and I are going to work on the Contracts essays. I don't know how good we'll do considering how bad today was, but we still need to do it. Ugh.

Once again it looks like a twelve hour day. It's so sad that we're spending twelve hours a day working on bar stuff and I'm learning nothing and don't feel any more confident than I did before I started all my bar review classes. This is not a good thing. I'm sooooo fucked right about now.

On another note, I'm still sick. My fever seems to be gone, but my nose is still rather stuffy, there's still a lot of crap in my lungs, I'm still very dizzy and disoriented, and my appetite is gone (which is probably a good thing because while this crap is in my lungs I have to double my asthma meds - and those steroids are what kill my metabolism in the first place). I can only hope to be better by the bar. The sickness combined with my lack of knowledge will lead to a big fat F.

Through all of this both Carrie and Rob have been incredible. Carrie's trying her best to help me learn what I just don't understand and it's so nice to have someone with me who understands exactly what I'm going through. Rob has also been incredible. He brings us food, cooks dinner for us, lets us rant, and he's just pretty much been there for me to lean on and rely on through this nightmare. He's pretty much my anchor to my last shreds of sanity right now. Oh, and I can't forget to mention that Shannon also kicks mucho ass. She brought us bracelets yesterday and has offered to do anything we need her to this week and to take us out drinking when this is all over with. So, whether I fail or not a big THANK YOU goes out to all of you who are helping get me through this. Seriously, I couldn't have gotten this far without you.


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