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2005-07-23 7:42 PM Thunderstorm Previous Entry :: Next Entry Mood: Sad, I don't want to go home tomorrow. Read/Post Comments (1) We had almost done it. We had almost gone our entire time out here without a massive thunderstorm. Sure, there was some rain and nasty clouds on the way to Wisconsin the other day, but it wasn't scary big thunderstorm level. This morning around 5:30am I woke up to a raging thunderstorm. I HATE thunderstorms. Luckily it wasn't tornado weather, just a thunderstorm, but it was a massive one. I snuggled up against Rob, but really didn't get any good sleep because thunderstorms bother me. We slept on and off until noon (since it's our last day here we might as well be lazy) and then spent awhile in bed because we couldn't shower until the electrical part of the storm passed. Once the thunder and lightning started moving away we showered and chilled out around the house for a little bit. Around 4pm my Mom, Rob, and I headed out (Nana refused to go out to dinner with us again). We made a brief stop at the clothing store where we bought some really cool things for Kaylea (I don't know if I mentioned this before, but for the record the name is pronounced KAY-lee) because one of the items they didn't have a price for, but let us take anyway. So, that was paid for today. We also stopped at the drug store so my Mom could pick up her Rx. Then we headed back into town for dinner at Backstreet (it's a really yummy steak and chop house). Dinner was amazing, but really big. My ribs looked like something out of the beginning of The Flintstones and I think Rob's steak was about a half of a cow. Even so, the food was excellent. After dinner we headed back to the house. My Mom told my Nana not to eat anything and we brought her back some ribs since she loves them. Of course, she ignored my Mom and ate anyway. When my Mom told her we brought her some ribs she said she didn't want anything because she was full and made some toast. *sigh* I love my Nana, but I don't know how my Mom does it 24/7. She's just amazing I guess. As usual we have the TV on (boy do they watch a lot of TV around here) and I'm doing a few things on the computer. Can't do much, but I get the necessary things done. Luckily I don't have to worry about job hunting when I'm out here. And I need to re-think my strategy when I get back to LA. While I'm dying to get out and practice law, Rob and I are really considering moving. And if that's going to happen then I need to stop hunting in Los Angeles and start using any connections I have out here. Also, my job prospects worry me now that I'm pregnant. I know that an employer can't turn me down for a job just because I'm pregnant, but they can use another excuse just as well. Also, I'm going to need at least 6 months maternity leave. My last trimester I won't be allowed to work and then I'll need a few months to heal up after having the baby. We'll see. After Rob and I decide what we want to do that will tell me whether to keep checking around LA or whether to say FU to job hunting in LA and try my damnedest to get something out here. It would be nice to live somewhere with a good school system and somewhere we could afford a house. I don't want my daughter growing up in an apartment all her life. Or, for that matter, attending a school with metal detectors that looks more like a penitentiary than a school. Tomorrow we're heading back home. I am not happy about that. The only thing I'm looking forward to going back to are the cats and our friends. Other than that, I'd be perfectly happy never going back again. Hrm, can you tell I'm ready to move? Good lord, it's going to cost an arm and a leg if we do move. And moving with two cats and a newborn won't be easy at all. Anyway, like I said, tomorrow we head back to LA. Bleh. Once I log off we'll probably start packing. ----------
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