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This morning I had an MRI and an MRA done of my brain. I don't post a lot about health issues on the public section of my journal, so this is going to be very bare bones.

To make a long story short, my normal doctor was worried about my dizzy spells and headaches. He sent me to an ENT. The ENT said I needed to get an MRI and an MRA done of my brain and then I'll be meeting with a neurologist. If there's something on there, hopefully I'll have my diagnosis. If it's clean, I'll be having to see a cardiologist to see if my heart is pumping enough blood to my brain.

This all sucks and I just want to know what is wrong so it can be fixed and I can get on with my life.

Rob had to come with me to the MRI/MRA this morning. Because I'm severely claustrophobic and because I'm also prone to panic attacks, they knew I would need sedation to keep me from freaking out and moving in the machine.

The drugs helped very well and I was even able to open my eyes a few times when I was in there. Oddly enough the worst part of it was that by the time it was done, my back was aching from the position I was in and my hands and arms were numb from lack of blood flow from being crammed in there. Yet another device that is not made for a larger person.

I spent the rest of the day in bed. I was exhausted from the drugs. Right now I am still feeling their effects. I'm uncoordinated, having balance and dizzy issues, and my head is all fuzzy. They said it should all wear off by tomorrow morning, but wanted someone to supervise me for the rest of the day. Rob had the day off work so he did so.

I won't know anything about the results until I see the neurologist on July 25. On one hand, I hope there's something there so that I know what's wrong with me. On the other hand, I hope it's clean so that I don't have any brain issues... but then that will mean a whole new battery of tests.

For those of you who are Facebook friends with me, there are now three pictures of my brain over up under the Miscellaneous album. One is a decent brain shot, the other shows my eyeballs and eye stalks, and the last one makes my brain look like Cthulhu.

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