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Read/Post Comments (3) ![]() ![]() ![]() Afternoons with Puppy by Dr. Aubrey Fine and Cynthia J. Eisen HeavyGlow Flash Fiction Anthology Edited by Stacy Taylor Blue by J.D. Riso. Also available at lulu ![]() |
2008-03-14 5:17 PM cost of war in iraq OMG, the counter turned over. (pssst...up top, up there)
i wish i had noted exactly where it was at when i first posted it in my journal. i believe tho, it was somewhere in the neighborhood of 320-340 that's billions, right? i know i can look back and find the date i posted it, but as a guess...sometime in 2005 or 2006... where's the fucker (yeah, i said it) who wanted to know how kerry could fund healthcare? i don't know dude, maybe by using the money spent in an illegal war could go towards, gee, i don't know, helping out the poor and middle class. personally, i'd rather deficit our country so every child at the very least could have coverage, instead of spending it on---excuse me while i take a moment to be redundant---an illegal war! inhale, exhale, deep breaths, deep breaths we're also heading up on 4000 american soldiers dead (i do not believe that includes civilian contractors) i'll see if i can hunt up the link, but you can literally watch videos from the war, posted by blackwater guys and civilian's unbelievable. they do it for the money...what balls, eh? how is it to live your life so hungry for the allmighty dollar that you'll risk YOUR LIFE while caring so little for others'. please, those folks aren't doing it "for democracy in iraq" or "to stop terrorism" it's greed, plain and simple. at least the soldiers feel a more "patriotic" call. (and too bad we used them, this administration used them ignorantly and as an end to their own means)but the toll it takes on their families is inexcusable. especially when they come back and are ignored and denied the proper care for being permanently disabled for a lousy, pittance of a salary. shame on us. shame on our government. but we also have to think that many of these civilian folks might not be so greedy if the policies and greed of our own government didn't push them to it. i mean, if you can only drive a truck, what do you do if your factory closes down because the company packed up shop and moved to china or mexico? (and do you see the irony that mexicans stream across the boarders everyday for a better paying job here?) you can continue to work for peanuts with other trucking companies, but why not spend twelve months and make one huge haul? the haul(s) of a "lifetime." i think our culture, our "political system" has put all of us exactly where they want us: neglecting our vital educational needs (and system) so we are dumbed down to only understand money and material objects, while they play the "shell game" and distract us from the real problems of the real people in our society. meanwhile, they take photo ops in places like africa and disaster hit (foreign)countries to make us think, *sniff* our government does have a soul. they do care about others *double sniff* and of course, the blackwater folks are mostly ego-driven, narcissistic anti-social/fullblown sociopaths who simply like to get their rocks off. getting paid so much is just the "bonus," oh, the teflon coating on the bullets, if you will. (you guys haven't seen the videos...i have) lord, my parents would be so proud. how'd their born and bred republican daughter finally realize it was all just wool pulled over my eyes? how could their baby daughter become such a bleeding heart liberal (liberal maybe, but there are plenty of people my heart doesn't bleed for) too bad my parents, in their own, albeit, very limited way (ignore(ance) is bliss), encouraged education and "self-study" (except when it pertained to any religion but their own, and oh, yeah, any marxist or communistic or even socialist research, oh and did i forget, it's ok, tho never admitted, to be inwardly racist, just not outwardly, because, god knows, "one must always have manners no matter how much we disagree(hate) them for being different (and not white)") even my tee-totalling, narrow-minded, sixth grade educated, 94 year old grandmother was a registered democrat...if gg sees the light, uh, what's the problem with these other "more educated" folks that they believe the governmental-spoon-fed media? oh, that's right...everyone else's country lies to their subjects and sells their country's collective heritage and soul for money, power and supremacy...but those good god-fearing men (and women)...never. OMG, i just saw it...there it is again...where's my camera? that's right, folks, the pigs are flying. author's note, no, not a disclaimer (lordy, ok, this started out as one thing then took a drastic guess i needed that. now where's a cigarette, for god's sake?) Read/Post Comments (3) Previous Entry :: Next Entry Back to Top |
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