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This Borders On Insanity!
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Dobe's Syllogism:

Major premise: Most of the millions of illegal immigrants, that have come to America, are in search of work.

Minor premise: Since laws already exist that prohibit hiring illegal immigrants, these laws are not being adequately enforced (especially since Corporations control our government, and these poor immigrants will work for less than American Citizens will work for, thereby ensuring additional profits for the Corporations at the expense of the Middle Class in America).

Conclusion: If current immigration laws were adequately enforced, illegal immigrants could not find work in America, therefore they will NOT illegally cross our borders in search of work (which would not exist for them) and those that are here already will migrate back to where they came from, in search of work.

The new Immigration Bill that is working it's way through Congress is deeply flawed! It should NOT be passed!

If and when the borders are secure, and if and when there exists a secure biometric identification system, THEN we can talk about additional workers entering America.

The last amnesty passed during the Reagan years was supposed to address all these problems. It was never enforced. What makes us think that any new enforcement laws will have any effect?

Don't believe Congress, they are not interested in solving the problem, only in pulling the wool over the eyes of the Middle Class!

The AMNESTY may be implemented, but the enforcement will simply be overlooked and underfunded, AGAIN!

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