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I was so afraid when he said he was moving back here. I never thought we would be able to get over what happened. His addiction consumed him and left no place for me. I didnt like that Josh much. But when he came back here and I knew it was the old Josh, My Josh I just wanted to cry. He is the only person who treats me how I have always wanted to be treated. He needs me. Not only does he need me, but he wants me, and that is almost more important. He wanted me to go out with him tuesday and I couldnt because of the pink eye I caught from the godkids. And he says to me "I wont have fun if youre not there." And its true. He did not have as good of a time as he would have had I gone. I feel the same way. As sick as I was I could have went saturday, but I didnt because I wanted him to be there. I dont have as much fun. He puts me first. He treats me like a sister. If I need him all I have to do is call and he will be there. He will call off work, blow off other friends, whatever it takes. Just like I would for him. I am so happy to have my Josh back!

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