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debating evolution my ass
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I am sick of stupid people. I saw an article the other day about "debating evolution in kansas" or where the fuck ever. What is there to debate? This is why I hate my boss and people like him. He refuses to believe in evolution. How can you not? I mean, would you really rather think that we decened from centuries of incest or that we gradually evolved over time and share dna with a monkey? I would go with the monkey. Doesnt anyone understand that if we did descend from Adam and Eve, that we are all the product of incest? God put them on the earth, and they had a bunch of kids. Who did those kids have kids with? EACH OTHER!!!! So god didnt like those people and wiped them out. He helped Noah build an ark for his family and the animals. So who did Noah's family have kids with if everyone else was wiped out? EACH OTHER!!!!!! I might be wrong on the Noah thing, but I am not wrong on the Adam and Eve thing. How hard is it to see that God, or whatever the hell rules us created us through evolution? My friend Bill, who just got his masters in theology at Duke university said that he thinks that to God, a day means something totally different than what a day means to us. So a day to god could be millons of years. The six days it took to create this world (or however many) could have been millions of years to god. Years he used to let our species and other species evolve. Doesnt that sound logical to you? that is the problem I have with religion. It is so illogical and absurd. I believe in a higher power. I do not believe that that higher power requires me to go to church and give them my money. I do not believe that that higher power would rather have me die of aids so I do not prevent conception of a child. I do not believe that that higher power would want me to treat animals any different than I would people. After all, it created us both. I do not believe that that higher power would want me to abuse the world it provided me to live in. And most of all I do not believe there is anything wrong with gay people. I am sick to death of hearing they are somehow wrong. My higher power would not hate someone for doing what they are born to do. I belive that it is genetic. Just like brown eyes or black hair. Why would you choose to be gay, and be ridiculed and ostricized? That is absurd. It is not a choice. It is what god made you. Yeah, in the bible they are going to say man shall not lay with man. At that point they were having population issues. Infant mortality rates were high. Has it not ever occured to anyone that we are seeing more gay and lesbian people because god is trying to keep us from spawning to many more kids? The resources on this planet will be used up before long and then what are we gong to do? If you ask me it is gods version of population control. My higher power loves my gay friends as much as he loves me. We were both put on this planet for a purpose. I think that is part of evolution as well. As we grow and grow God is once again causing people to evolve to save the world he created for us. Why is that not logical? Oh well. I guess I have to realize I live in america, and they just reelected George Bush. A little over half the population here are fucking morons. Dont get me wrong, I am quite a patriotic person. My dad served in vietnam, and he instilled in me a great love for this country. But I cannot abide stupidity.

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