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Can you take the pain?/ Again and again and again?/ Time after time its all the same /the shame /whenever someone speaks my name/ It makes me cringe inside /I want to go somewhere and hide/ because I cannot fucking abide/ the pity in their god damn eyes / But you, you had to know / Pushed me and pushed me instead of taking it slow/ Out of my mouth the words began to flow/ He raped me, didn’t you know?/ Do you think it isn’t real because the scars don’t show?/ He hurt me mind, body, and soul/ So now you know/ now you know/ I hear you think I’m selfish bitch, is that true?/ Sit your ass down I’ve got a tale for you/ Six years old and terrified/ sobbing, screaming out of my mind/ you wouldn’t even hear my side/ you let it slide/ and I almost died/ eleven years old and terrified/ to shocked to know what was going on in my mind/ the look in your eyes, it was homicide/so I swallowed my pride/ and let it slide/ Selfish huh? Who the fuck do you think you are?/ I’m the reason you’ve got that new car/ a nice house, a wife/ a life/ without my silence you never would have gotten this far/ don’t ever speak to me that way again/ you’ve already committed the ultimate sin/ when I want something you best give in/ if you want things back to normal again/ cause you had to know/ pushed me and pushed me instead of taking it slow/ out of my mouth the words began to flow/ and now you know/ now you know...

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