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Here is an email I sent amanda to catch her up. I figure it will catch you up too.

I know it has been forever since i have written you anything of substance. There has just been too much going on. I dont even remember if I told you about my mom failing her stress test and not being able to have surgery. I think I did. They said no surgery for at least six months.

That and I have been trying to help Bob out. Im sure I told you he is having massive issues with his land lord. Well, it has escalated. They had him charged with menacing, which is a lie. He called me from jail when it first happened, and I called his lawyer. Who was of course on vacation in califronia. I asked his secretary if there was anyone of his friends who could help me. Turns out their was and he sprung bob from the county jail. I cant remember when this happened, but next thing I know it is foruth of july. I had a bad feeling about his landlord so I spent the weekend there. Good thing I did. Friday night he picked me up at my house about 6:30-7:00. From here we went to ama's and ate dinner. After that we went to his apt. The only time we left it that night was to go into the basement and do a load of laundry. Saturday night on the six o clock news I see a little piece about how is landlord was forced at gunpoint into his car, forced to drive to an atm and empty his account. I told bob "becareful, the will try to charge you with that." And they did. Friday the Eighth of july he went to court on the menacing charge. He had contacted the fair housing commission and they gave him an attorney. They get to court friday morning and the guy tells bob to take a plea because it just be easier on everyone. Needless to say bob fired his happy ass. While that may be true, why take a plea for something you didnt do? Anyway, he asks the judge for a continuance. The judge tells him he thinks bob is playing games and tells him a few days in jail ought to do him good. Bob is arrested in the courtroom. From the courtroom they go to the jail where bob is put into an interragation room. They try to pin the thing that happened on fourth of july weekend on him. They kept at it for TEN HOURS. He told them over and over that he was with me. Here is what they had to say. "Bob, stop lying. You know you did it Bob. This is what you did. You walked out your back door, Snuck up on Gary and put a gun to his head. You forced him into the car and made him drive you to an atm." They also told him that the name Ibarra is no good in the city of toledo. They told him that they remember our cousin Naricio and that he made a mockery of the toledo court system. They told him that he had hung with naricio. Ran with naricio. In fact was just like Naricio so gary was luck he wasnt dead. Naricio is in prison for murder. Anyone who knows naricio knows the story on that. He got to deep into drugs and pissed off a high ranking dealer. The dealer killed someone, and told Narcio, take the fall or we kill your wife and kids. Needless to say he took the fall. Anyway, Bob pointed out to these assholes that Naricio has been in prison for over 15 years. He (as well as me) can count the times he even sat at the same dinner table with naricio let along hung out with him. He also asked that if the name ibarra is so bad, why is it that there is one on the police force. they said there isnt. He reminded them that our cousin pattie ibarra gomez is a police women. And she is naricio's sister. That didnt make them happy. he was in jail from friday morning until tuesday night. he called me monday night and asked me to call our boss Tom the next day and ask him to help out. OF course he wouldnt. My dad came home to find me all pissed off and upset, so he bailed him out. Want to know the charge the judge had him in jail for? Failure to appear. How can he have failed to appear when he was arrested in the fucking court room arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! So I have had my hands full.

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