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One Moment
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One Moment

She walks with me
Her smile lighting the way
Driving back the darkness
The tombstones seem to glow with the power of her beauty
I glow from the power of her beauty

We lie on a blanket looking at the stars
The full moon rides high in the night sky
Making her long black hair a flowing river of silver

Should one be so happy surrounded by death as I am right now?
If she were death’s angel I would give myself to her without hesitation
Heart and Soul just for one moment with her
This moment with her

She looks into my eyes and smiles
I smile back thinking that I finally know what a normal 21 year old feels when he’s in love
And though it doesn’t seem possible I fall even deeper in love with her

We walk through the cemetery
My lack of fear taking his away
It must be the witch in me this lack of fear
We are close enough to touch but we don’t
It seems to be an unspoken rule between us this lack of physical contact

He spreads out the blanket and gives me his jacket for a pillow
I look up at the stars and become instantly lost in thought
I can feel his eyes on me
That intense stare he turns my way when he thinks I won’t notice

Not for the first time I lie there and wonder what he is thinking
How he feels about me
He never gives an indication either way

I look over at him and smile, and for a moment,
One brief moment, I think I see the love he feels for me in his eyes
A love that if I let it could easily consume me
Or maybe it’s just the moonlight

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