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Always in threes
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You know in our family there are always three women pregnant at a time. Well I just found out the second. Aubrey. This is why I get pissed off. She has three kids already. These three she gave to their dad because they "fucked up her lifestyle". Her words, not mine. She wanted to smoke crack, get drunk and fuck strange people everynight. Then, she lost the welfare money from the kids and decided she needed them back. How else is she going to buy her crack? And now she is knocked up by some guy she barley knows. She has slept with him a lot, but he doesnt speak much english, and she doesnt speak much spanish. My aunt's take on things? At least it will be a mexican baby. Yeah. I am happy that Marlena is pregnant. Her other two kids have turned out well so far, so a third isnt a bad thing, but Aubrey? God will let her have a crack baby, but I couldnt get pregnant to save my life. Son of a bitch.

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