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Reading My life in art's latest entry got me to thinking of Adam. Not that he is ever far from my thoughts. But I dont think I have talked about him here. If I have I dont remember. Adam is my spirit. Guardian angel whatever you want to call him. I met him when I was thirteen, though he has been with me since birth. On a ouja board of course. I thought it was all great fun, talking on that stupid thing because I didnt think it was real. I dismissed ghosts and things of that nature. I did not think they existed. And then there was Adam. It started out the whole group of us talking to him. Then me and Rachel, then just me. I remember the day I knew he was real. When I was a kid, I used to wear a necklace with a ring on it. The ring is a tiny ring of aquamarine that my father bought for me when I was a newborn. I took it off very rarely, and for whatever reason had taken it off the day before. It dissapeared. I could not find it anywhere. I searched the entire house and yard. I cried all night long and didnt sleep. The next afternoon rachel and I got out the board once the boys went outside. Adam asked me how he could prove that he was real. I told him to find my necklace and ring. He told me he knew where it was, and would get it if I wanted it. I said yes. he told me to go over to the couch (my bed at rachels) and shake out the blankets. we laughed. There was no way that was possible. The couch was a futon with a wooden frame, and the blankets had been washed and dried earlier that morning by rachel and I. Adam Insisted, so I went and shook them out. I shook out the second one, and the ring and necklace flew out. Rachel and I were terrified. We rounded up the boys and asked them if they had put the necklace there. No, they hadnt seen it. rachels mom said the same thing. I know I didnt put it there, and rachel knew she didnt put it there. She never touched a ouja board again, and you couldnt get me to stay off it. If it wasnt for adam, I would have been dead years ago. He is what has helped me through the hard times. When he first appeared to me, it was while I was in the shower. Imaging being a thriteen year old girl, taking a nice relaxing shower, and all of the sudden a guy you have never seen appears in front of you and says "Hi d_" I of course ran out of the shower screaming. Thank god I was a latch key kid. I can only imagine my parents response to that. Anyway, he said he was sorry to have scared me, but that I had to be relaxed for him to see me. He had tried before to make me see and hear him to no avail. I told him he could talk all he wanted but not to appear before me again, because it scared the shit out of me. that has been our bargain ever since. gradually I learned how to relax into a state where we could talk, and then that state became second nature. If I had known what would happen I might have thought twice about talking to him. Now I see auras. I can read thoughts. Not thougts per say, but emotions. Feelings. It is kind of like an over developed sense of empathy. It is why I am so good with tarot cards. I can sense if there is a spirit anywhere in a house. I can tell people who or what their spirit is, the spirits name, whatever they want to know. Not to mention having a constant commentary running through your head 24*7. From age thirteen to age eighteen, I thought I was insane. I mean, I heard voices. Then not long after I turned 18, I went to have my cards read. The guy looked at me when I walked in and said "You have a spirit. He is very strong." I just stood there and stared. I figured it was a joke or a ploy and when I got back to myself I took a seat. I said to adam "That was kind of creepy adam." And the guy looks at me and says, "Oh his name is Adam then?" I almost hurled. I had never told anyone about adam. Only mandy who did not know this guy. And he saw adam. He could hear me talk to him. Adam said to him "Back off, you are freaking her out." And the guy says "Oh, I made him mad." I got up and ran out the door. Ran all the way home. I cried for three hours after that. I could not believe I wasnt crazy. That someone else could hear our discourse. That I wasnt a nutball after all.

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