Witnessing the Meltdown

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Slightly random thoughts / recollections from my surgery
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1. Lot of people involved in this: Dr Dehan (ENT surgeon), Dr Eckert (Anesthesiologist), Anesthesiologist Nurse (only name I don't recall), Linda (pre-/post-op nurse), Jeanne (operating nurse), and Jena (recovery nurse).

2. Based on the co-pays I know about I estimate this cost approx $5000.

3. So I'm grateful that I live in a time and place in which this is available to me and I have the insurance to pay for it.

4. I can affirm that "MiraLax", in addition to containing an ingredient which sounds like it belongs in anti-freeze, is an effective laxative.

5. The effects of the anesthesia after I woke up was intriguing. I felt like I was normally processing incoming stimuli while my ability to respond to it was vastly decreased.

6. I had very little bleeding and no pain (didn't take any of the prescribed painkillers).

7. I went in day after so ENT could clean out my nose. He squirts some Afrin in there, then some Lidocaine, then yanks out the blood boogers and then begins to suction out mucus. Until then I thought I wasn't supposed to blow my nose because it could deform the work he'd done. Once he started suctioning I realized that couldn't be the reason (he was being pretty vigorous).

Turns out there's a bone between the sinii and the brain or eyes and I think this can be weakened during surgery so that a sneeze or forceful blowing of the nose could result in shards of bone being sent into my brain or eyes. Lovely.

8. I was extremely tired that afternoon / evening but unfortunately caught a 2nd wind and only slept 3h. I'm catching up and other than that I'm feeling in good shape.

Many thanks to all for your well wishes, Reiki and prayers.

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