A "G-Rated Journal" That Even My Mother Can Read (because she does!)

Effervescence is a state of mind. It's about choosing to bring sunshine to the day.
Every person I meet matters.

If it's written down, I know it (If it's not written down, I don't know it)
If it's color-coded, I understand it (If it's not color-coded, I don't understand it)

Today's Feature Image:

Daddy-do and me, 2010

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Cast-On: Brenda Dayne, Wales
KFI AM 640 On Demand: Bill Handel, Leo Laporte, Neil Savaadra, and Wayne Resnick
Chivalry Today: Scott Farrell (Sir Guillaume)
The Lions Road: A Weekly SCA podcast

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January 2009
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01: Start as you mean to go on (3 comments)
02: Metal Tongues and More Fuzzy Scarves (6 comments)
03: Patience and More Admissions (6 comments)
04: Zombie Jokes and a Good Day (4 comments)
05: At Home, Waiting on the Car (6 comments)
06: Bizarre Car Results (6 comments)
06: Nearly Well, Productive, and Thankful (3 comments)
07: Continuing the Saga of Yummy Foods (4 comments)
09: Bored with food, and VERY bad computer things (4 comments)
10: Fixing My Attitude (1 comments)
23: Posty Posty: New nephew, cars, and bards (7 comments)
27: Serious Geekatude (3 comments)
30: Chatting and the Philosophy of "On the Cusp, In the Cracks" (3 comments)

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