crochetlady's Journal Meanderings, Hopes, Writing and Growth Wife of 32 years, mother of 2, grandmother of 3, Government worker eligible to retire in 5 years, crocheter of 34 years; hopeful writer; people watcher; reader of much; lover of cats,dogs,horses and most four legged animals;and much more to learn about myself. |
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Mood: Melodramatic Read/Post Comments (8) |
2010-11-01 7:00 AM And we're off! It fits. I found out that even if I make the fried eggs, I will pay for them.(Sunday breakfast-he said,if you make it, then you stay on couch, I know your leg hurts.) I found out that even though my husband says "wake me up if you need me," it's not worth it.(Saturday night woke up with sever pain in my left shin-had me in tears, asked him to get me some tylenol) I found out that no matter what, if I don't watch what he thinks is entertainment,(was watching 'Clean HOuse') if I don't respond in a way that he thinks is appropriate, (I like it as entertainment) if I am not quick enough to get the door when he comes back from shopping,(had a mess of yarn in my lap that I was trying to unravel) if something is off-then it starts all all over. And last night I was not accepting that it was all my fault. And he didn't understand that. Cause he wanted to show me he loved me.Cause he put off doing laundry-due to his picking fights we ate late, he didn't ask, he assumed, and then made a comment before we went to bed-"since its late and we won't be able to cuddle, here's a kiss" and gave me a peck-then got mad when I didn't turn in for him to hold me.
No I haven't opened a bank account yet cause I have to save up funds on my own. And that is harder than it seems. Stopping pedicures, but am keeping up my nails. $25 saved. Stopping bying my midmorning snack -fruit/cheese $3.50 save 3.50 x5 =17.50 but still have to get $$ from him. Went to Yarn Tasting Friday. Felt sorry for store owner. I was the only person who showed up!! But found out that every Wednesday crafters meet-knitters and crocheters!!! from about 5 to 7:30 or so. I am going to go. Told hubby we could make it part date night-go out to eat and he could explore. But he knows I want to go. Got small samples of pretty yarns. Also bought bamboo knitting needles. Nice to work with-was working with sample yarn and didn't have right size crochet hook. Found right color yarn for Sisters scarf. it is hand died neon green. it will go with her snowmobile-it will be a short keyhole scarf that will protect the back of her neck. Read/Post Comments (8) Previous Entry :: Next Entry Back to Top |
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