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*with Jim Farris*

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Hello again everyone and welcome to "Silly Thinking with Douglas Lain" now union made.

And now a special Friday feature... the popular interactive game everyone is talking about.






...will help keep order as we play a special SCI-FI EDITION of...



Hello everyone... thank you... and welcome to the interactive game everyone is talking about: THE GAME.

Today we've got a great game for you as we play a special science fiction version of the game. Let me introduce our three celebrity judges.
First: from the origianl "Star Trek" series Mister William Shatner!!


D.C.:Hey Bill it's nice to see you again. What have you been up to?

W.S.:I....havebeenbusy...these...lastfewmonthsshooting.....I Can't Believe It's Butter ...commercialsAwholenew...campaign.

D.C.: Sounds good. And our next judge is the murderous computer from "2001: A Space Odyysey": Hal The Computer.

HAL: Thank you ladies and gentlemen. Thank you Mister Clark.

D.C.: Hal, what have you been up to since the movie "2010"?

HAL: Thank you for asking Mister Clark. I have been very busy making personal appearances at county fairs and I shot a pilot some months ago that we are keeping our fingers crossed will sell.

D.C.: Oh great. What's it about?

HAL: Yes, it's a remake of "Petticoat Junction."

D.C.: Sounds great. And our third judge, you remember him from "Superman". Marlon Brando.

M.B.: Hello maggot.

D.C.: Marlon, what have you been up to lately. Any more movies in the offings, sir?

M.B.: It's not important. Little pieces of chemically treated plastic.

D.C.: We'll look for it sir. Now here are the results from last week's competition:

Round one: the correct answer was: "Abbott And Costello Meet Frankenstien".
Round two: was "Gable And Lombard".
Round Three: was "Glitter"
Four: "Oklahoma"
and Five: "Armageddon".
And the champion from last week is: Doug from Portland Oregon with one answer right, "Abbott And Costello Meet Frankenstien".
Great. Congratulations Doug from Portland Oregon, you are our new Champion and will play again this week along with all our new readers and anyone who tried last week.

Now today's "The Game" is played just like always: we will give you five sets of five movie titles. All you have to do is pick the movie friom each group you like the best and post your answers at our "Comment" prompt at the bottom of the page. It's easy and fun. Then next week we will review the winning titles and crown a champion or recrown our previous champ. This week all the movies are science fiction films. So this should be fun.
Lets begin with round one.

1. "Lost In Space" starring William Hurt from 1998.
2. "Night Of The Lepus" starring Janet Leigh from 1972.
3. "Legend of Boggy Creek" starring Jeff and Buddy Crabtree from 1972.
4. "Godzilla 1985" starring Raymond Burr from 1985.
5. and "Godzilla 2000" starring Takehiro Murata from 1999.

Ohh those are tough ones. Now pick you favorite and post. Let's got to round two:

1. "Independence Day" starring Will Smith from 1996.
2. "The Incredibly Strange Creatures Who Stopped Living And Became Mixed Up Zombies" starring Ray Dennis Steckler (AKA Cash Flag) from 1963.
3. "King Dinosaur" starring Bill Bryant from 1955.
4. "Indestructable Man" starring Lon Chaney Jr. from 1956.
and 5. "Turbo: A Power Rangers Movie" starring Jason David Frank from 1997.

OK? I think your getting the idea. Let's go to round three.

1. "Witchboard" starring Tawny Kitean from 1985.
2. "Star Trek: The Motion Picture" starring our own William Shatner from 1979.

W.S.: Thank... youladies.... andgentle... men.

3. " Starship Troopers" starring Casper Van Dien from 1997.
4. "Superman Four The Quest For Peace" starring Mark Pillow from 1987.
5. "Zapped" starring Willie Aames from 1982.

Round four is as follows:

1. "Outland" starring Sean Connery from 1981.
2. "Zardoz" starring Sean Connery from 1974.
3. "Moonraker" starring Roger Moore from 1979.
4. "Moon 44" starring Micheal Pare from 1990.
and 5. " The Incredible Petrified World" starring John Carradine from 1958.

And our final round on this special edition of the game is...

1."RoboCop 3" starring Robert John Burke from 1993.
2. "Star Trek V: The Final Frontier" starring and directed by our own William Shatner..

M.B.: This guy... is nothing. I mean he is nothing.. less than vapor.

3. "Flash Gordon" starring Sam Jones from 1980.
4. "Spacehunter: In The Forbidden Zone" starring Molly Ringwald from 1983.
5. " "Soylent Green" starring Charlton Heston from 1973.

Some tricky ones for you to ponder everyone. Well that's about all the time we have; Let me say goodnight to our celebrity judges.
William Shatner thank you sir.

W.S.: I... takeoff.... words... hurledatme... from.... Miss Piggy.. Over...there.

D.C.: OK thank you sir. HAL.. it was a pleasure.

HAL: This conversation can serve no purpose anymore.

D.C.: You are right sir. And Mister Brando..

M.B.: I once stood on a cliff in Samalia and watched some birds... Birds build a nest. Very carefully, as they took each twig and piece of grass. As they took each leaf and very preciously built a home for themselves. They never stopped......

D.C.: We'll look for that sir. Be sure to post your answers and join us next week for "THE GAME".
Unitl then this is Dick CLark. Goodbye everybody!!

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