Some say I'm wrong, but fuck it, I'm grown

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Yesterday's daily town newspaper had an article in it directed at FMLA. The writer had read the school's newspaper article on FMLA bringing in our state rep for speaking and what FMLA is, and apparently it was more than the poor man could handle. His article was not only insulting and rude, but uninformed and inaccurate. He stated that we feminists are insisting on playing a game on "anything you can do I can do better." I'm sorry I thought that was called PROGRESS. We would all still be carrying around candles instead of flashlights and riding horses instead of Chevy's and Fords if no one ever was conpulsed to try and do better than what has been done before! Do you really think that all the conglumorate companies in the world are gonna say to their competition, "Hey you did really good on your last product so we aren't gonna try and make anything better or new." I really fucking doubt it. Also, if we feminists insist on having ridiculous things (like rights to our own bodies, the rights to education, equal pay, protection under the law) men are going to go on strike and cars, airplanes, and computers will never get fixed. Are you fucking kidding me? I have been working on car since I was old enough to hold a screwdiver in the garage with my Dad and brothers. My best friend is in computer forensics and I have no doubt of her future success. He claimed in his article that men and women are equal and have been for years. Really? Thats funny cause the PA survey off the 2000 census that I am holding in my hand says that men in this sleepy little town make $11,000 more a year than the women do. But we are completely equal, yes right of course. So that would mean it just so happens to be that EVERY man in this town is more intellegent and better at his job than EVERY women in town and naturally desearves to be paid more based on his performance alone. Right. FMLA mission statement is to fight for equality for EVERYONE. We work with and hold events for gays & lesbians, ethnicity, non traditional students, the list goes on and on. It is not just for women. If this freakin moron would have actually read the article that was written in the school newspaper or bothered to contact ANYONE on the campus he would have been informed of this AND that FMLA currently has over 70 students and faculty in its membership. Men, women, young and old, of all colors, shapes, and sizes. HOWEVER, he did NOT do any actual research into what he was writing about, which every freshman communications major (and anyone with the slightest bit of freaking sense) knows to do. Instead he insisted in his article that a group fighting for their own equality will only hurt other groups. And guess what folks? This poor man has really known oppression. He is an upper middle class white male! Oh it must have been terrible for him! He is in the most priviledged group in fucking America! So obviously he is completely capable of writing about feminists trying to make things better for everyone INCLUDING HIS DAUGHTER. (Who he also complained about in his article for leaving her curling iron out.) Our efforts will help HIS daughter some day have higher pay, more protect from abuse or help from rape, control of her own body, but we don't know what we are talking about. Right. It sincerely amazes me how incredibly stupid and uninformed people are even allowed to breathe some days. All stupid people (ignorant of the world around them) should have to wear signs that say "I'm stupid" so we can take them into the street and shot them. Now THAT is progress. Evolution at its finest. We really need to get these people out of the gene pool anyways.


"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the world: indeed its the only thing that ever has." -Margaret Mead
"Some day in your life you will meet someone that desearves to be kicked in the head repeatedly."

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