Some say I'm wrong, but fuck it, I'm grown

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I am pro-choice. "People" say by giving women the choice to control their bodies they are pro-death.
I support the war and our troops. I support our President because he is our leader regardless if I like him personally or not. "People" say he is pro-death for the war.
I am pro-death penalty. Obviously, "people" say this is pro-death.

I am pro-death. Kill everyone. Yes, morons, this is an exagaration. Calm down. I am thinking logically. Not morally. Sit morals aside, you cannot make laws based on morals. No one has the same set of morals. Besides, in the UNITED FUCKING STATES OF AMERICA (you know, the country that we are in) we have separation of church and state, where we do not make laws based on religion. Or at least we aren't supposed to.

It would be wonderful if every child could be cared for. If every child was wanted. If ever child could have a safe, happy home. A mother that while pregnant wouldn't do drugs and drink. But that's not logical. Life is not like that. It simply is not.

It would be wonderful if we were civilized enough to not blow each other to little pieces. That we did not scarafices the hundreds of thousands of lives of innocent people everytime there was a disagreement between to nations. Unfortunately, we are not that civilized. And we will not be for hundreds of years. Yes we should aim to be. But we are not now.

It would be wonderful if we didn't have people killing each other and raping small children. But we do. Do you want to pay for them to live in jail and have cable and work out all day? I do not. Kill them. Stronger and enforced laws will lower crime rates. In countries were they cut off hands for stealing have almost zero theft rates. Know why? Because people know if they steal they WILL be catch, they WILL be punished HARSHLY. The punishment and risk outweighs the crime. Here, kill someone, go to jail, 20 years max. There is no fear of the punishment. But if you KNEW you would be caught and put on death row for killing or raping, you probably would twice before doing it.

So, yes. I am pro-death.

The problem is we have too many candy-ass, bitch-ass pussies running around yapping and talking like they know what the hell they are saying. Making rules and thinking up ideas based on morals. We can make rules and laws that benefits everyone without morals. Think for yourself. The problem is most people bitch about freedom and speech and negat freedom of thought. Try this. Shut the hell up and THINK FOR YOURSELF. You will be amazed at your own damn mind.


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