My life in art
cuz' Europe always seemed so far...

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Season's Changes
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Small things become big. Winter turns to spring. One thing always changes into another.

It's winter in Rio. The mornings are cold and their smell is refreshing, like fresh leaves. The days are sunny and cloudless, the sun goes out early and the nights are starry and windy.

It's a season that brought many new episodes into my life. I haven't written in so long. I miss writting. Makes me feel lighter. And I really like my journal. I don't want to abandon it anymore. But school and work - make it kind of difficult to find a time to write something at least decent.

This is my last week in school - if I pass everything. It's most likely that I won't, so I still have a way to go. Once again I allowed the situation to run out of control in school. It makes me look at myself and think that I am very weak. Especially because I have conscience of this situation and I don't really do anything to change.

Work. Well, as predicted, my boss transfered me to the bar upstairs. My salary is BEYOND low. It's something I would spend in a single night. But I have fun. I've met so many cool people... I've been having fun. Fun is not one thing you would be looking for in a job, but that's all I can get on mine. I've got to find something else. But I decided to wait and finish my situation at school. Only then I will find new plans. I think this is not right, though, as this job hasn't been very positive to me. I have skipped many classes at school, and they even called my mother and told her all my situation. And if there is one thing that cannot happen, this thing is someone get to me and say "Gabriel, you did not pass". This job has given me more bad consequences than good, in a way. I have skipped so many days because I wasn't able to wake up, since I was getting home so late at night. But I can't blame on the job, because I know it's only a matter of not trying hard enough.

And the people I have met. They are worth my time. They are the only reason I still go to that job and serve that witch. But I wonder if I am important to them in the same way they are important to me. Probably not. For me, they are people that I had a great time with, and if I could, I would keep in touch with them forever. For them, I am just another someone they've met on their trip, just another bartender, just another poor boy trying to make it.

Since I've started working I have lost many things in life. My cultural side lowered 80%. I do not watch movies anymore, or play games. The only thing I can do is read, but I can't dedicate as much time as I would like to my books. I have social demands to accomplish, but they are not being accomplished, and I am losing friendships. Slowly. But I am. I know friendships are supposed to be forever, but when you become distanced from your friend, and your friend keeps calling you and you don't answer him/her because you are tired from work and want to use your free time to chill down, things get different. They're not the same. I know it, because I feel it.

I have gained many things, also. I get the chance to perfect my english all the time. And to exchange stories with interesting people, and know more about their countries, their worlds. I have time to develop some skills, such as cooking and bartending, things I would never think they would be primary in my life.

On the last two days of June (29,30) I will make an overview of what has changed and what has to change, so when July starts with a more rigorous winter, I will know what to do, what is my current life, who I have become. After all, let's just say that that was the autumn that was and let's just see what winter brings.

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