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2002-11-22 6:55 AM Back in the dog house, I'm afraid... Well, it's been an interesting week, let me tell you. I've been working from home all week on the online Help for my contracting job, still delivering the frickin' papers at 3 a.m., trying to come up with some words on the novel, and fighting off a cold/sore throat combo. And having to deal with... pets.
You see, we had to take Boss back yesterday to the vet. We're not going to be able to keep him. Why? Well, the short answer is he tried to eat the neighbor's Shi Tzu. I was walking Boss and Whit yesterday morning, after finding another small urine stain on the carpet that I suspect was done by our new pet, when we passed one of our new neighbors. He was outside with his THREE dogs, none of them on a leash. When two of his three dogs saw Boss, Whit, and me, they went into insane yappy-puppy phase. This little Shi Tzu and another little spaniel came bounding up to the much-taller, much-heftier pair of greyhounds, and got in their faces. Whit, being the cool-ass dog he is, ignored them, looking away with a pained look on his face. But Boss obviously wasn't used to small, rodent-sized dogs screaming at him from three inches away. So he grabbed the Shi Tzu in his mouth and picked up the little critter. Next thing I knew, the little dog was screaming bloody murder, and Boss was just standing there with a pair of tiny, kicking legs on either side of his mouth. And he wasn't letting go! I had to pry the little dog out of his mouth. Fortunately, the little critter was okay, as far as his owners could tell. I don't think Boss was trying to hurt him -- I honestly think Boss just wanted the damn dog to shut the hell up. But... that's just not acceptable dog behavior. Not when we have a cat in the house. And Boss has been giving undue attention to Mr. Pumpking, and I really didn't want to see our cat subjected to the same Boss treatment. So... I guess it just wasn't the right time for us and Boss. I know we sort of made a quick decision, both in getting him and getting rid of him, but at least we tried. He'll find a good home, probably one without small pets, I hope. And if he did eat Pumpking, the fat content alone would've killed poor boss. You just can't eat something that fat without paying the consequences. So if you look at it that way, we did everyone a big favor. Later... Now Playing: "Seattle," Pearl Jam Stories out to Publishers: 20 Read/Post Comments (4) Previous Entry :: Next Entry Back to Top |
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