outtamyhead sometimes it all comes outtamyhead, and sometimes i'm just outtamyhead. period. i guess i started this journal thingy out of boredom at a job i used to have. i stay here because i've come to know and love some of the people i've "met". you know who you are!!! |
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2007-03-07 9:25 PM today... today is a much better day.
thank you all - your friendship, good wishes, hugs and kind words mean much to me. **** the man child called me today. he apologized first, of course, and asked if he could come by and get some clothes. not a problem. i was making dinner so he ate, we talked a bit, and he seems to have calmed down and come to the realization (again, at least for now) that he's gonna have to do it on his own. he's staying with a friend and the friend's dad who don't mind him being there, he still has a little money from his last paychecks and christmas money, and he got a job that started today. it's at a speedway working 10pm to 6am. it's not the best part of town, but it ain't the worst. so i'm not worried about him being on the streets and starving. i just hope he doesn't get robbed. oy vey. it's always sumpin, huh??? at least he's working. again. for now. i don't want to think that way, but hey, his track record and all... and yes, he's made his own choices. he keeps telling me not to worry. he even seemed to have a bit of spunk to him. i think he likes being on his own in many ways, but i also know i've always made things easy on him at home, so he's taken advantage of it. yeah, i think a lot of it is how he's wired as elsa said. i admit, my family is wacko, most of us anyway, to some degree or another. we all have our issues. but i also know he always feels better when he's doing something other than laying around and mooching. physically and mentally. who wouldn't get (more) depressed laying around doing nothing all the time? and yes, he's been evaluated and had drugs prescribed too, but he didn't like the way they made him feel and he won't go back and try any new drugs. so at least, for now, things are okie dokie. **** we ordered an i pod shuffle for my daughter for christmas. she ended up getting the nicer one from pappaw so my hubby kept the shuffle and put some tunes on it. i listened to it for the first time last night. really, i'd never listened to one before. and since katherine can't take hers to school, we're putting music on hers for me because i can use it while i'm working!!!!!! she'd rather talk on the phone. she's not yet into music all that much, so i've got an i pod!!!! w00t w00t!!!!! **** otherwise, things are calm around here. quiet. clean. smelling better every day. the poor doggie is missing all his sleeping buddies, i can tell. he's a bit sad, but he's just gonna have to get over that shit. traitorous little brokeback pug doggie. *heh* **** i had 2 fillings today. the doc had to hit me twice with the needle, the 2nd time after he started drilling. it was ok. not bad, really. besides, i've known this dentist since i was 11. i've got dirt on him, so he doesn't dare hurt me too bad. the 2 injections ended up bruising my cheek. that's never happened before. so now i have a bruise to offset the pimple on my other cheek. and just in case you need to know, if you have a hot flash while you're in the dentist's chair, the assistant can turn on the little air hose and blow it alllll over your face and it feels really good!!! that's the best place i've found so far to have a hot flash. gawd, childhood angst, pimples, hot and sweaty - maybe i AM still a teenager after all!!!!!! awww hell no! i am SO glad to never have to go there again. **** i'm off to read, download some more tunes, and sleep. sweet dreams and hugs and snuggles to ya'll. did i say thank you??? xoxo Read/Post Comments (1) Previous Entry :: Next Entry Back to Top |
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