outtamyhead sometimes it all comes outtamyhead, and sometimes i'm just outtamyhead. period. i guess i started this journal thingy out of boredom at a job i used to have. i stay here because i've come to know and love some of the people i've "met". you know who you are!!! |
Read/Post Comments (3) live simply so that others may simply live |
2007-03-11 10:41 AM just stuff today's temp is supposed to be in the 60's with abundant sunshine all day.
so, am i going to stay in and make burrito's? or bake bread like i've been promising hubby i would? don't think so. daughter is trying out for track team this week, so i suspect we'll be down at the park on the track. or playing tennis. or throwing a frisbee. in other words, NOT inside the house. **** i took her shopping friday night. the only pair of running shoes we could find in the entire mall that fit were $90.00 nike's. i don't normally buy brands, and didn't really set out to do that, but since she'll be running every day i wanted her to have a good pair that fit properly. she's also outgrown most of her jeans. she thinks she's fat already. another reason i don't buy magazines (or allow her to have them) and we don't do a lot of tv. she gets enough negative body image crap at school. **** my son worked his first overnight shift at the speedway last night. i didn't hear of any robberies as of this morning. and yes, i'll be checking each day, thank you. the store is located on a street in downtown that boasts many many topless bars and video stores, and i ain't talkin family type videos either. one of the video stores got robbed friday night. apparently shots were fired, yada yada yada. **** hubby is working all day today at the office, as he did yesterday. he'll be there til late tonight since brackets come out today he said. would that be NCAA brackets i guess??? that leaves a lot of time today for daughter and i to go out and play. **** yesterday while my daughter was at her dad's house, i took my brother in law to the grocery. afterward we stopped at an irish pub downtown so that mark could have lunch. i ate a few chips and salsa and had 2 beers. it was so much fun! i can't remember the last time i was in a bar on a saturday afternoon. there were quite a few rugby players in there. and just a bunch of folks hanging out, laughing and talking. i really gotta get out more. **** mark had a liver transplant about a year and a half ago. he contracted hepatitis c from a life lived doing iv drugs. back in the 70's and 80's, mark wanted to be the god of lexington, ky. he was in league with several folks that many books have been written about. now, as horrible as that sounds, i have to say that he has a very loving heart. funny what staring death in the face will make ya realize, huh? anyway, i know many people who believe that since he brought this problem on himself, he shouldn't have been given a liver that could have saved someone who needed it due to circumstances beyond their control. whatever. it's not for me to decide, or even judge. lord only knows how i've been so fortunate to have not needed more help than i've been given, in so many different ways. it's just so wild to see someone come back from the brink of death - literally - and be as healthy as he is now. when they took him into surgery, one of the doctors told us they'd do all they could, but he was so far gone they didn't expect him to make it thru the surgery. 13 hours later he came out, and a week later was able to leave ICU 3 days early. the whites of his eyes had turned completely yellow, almost orange, and his skin was green. his kidneys had shut down. and no one could get hold of his son. that was an experience i'll never forget. mark leads a much different life now than he used to. he says he knows there must be some reason for him to still be here, and he needs to find it. he does a lot of volunteer work these days, trying to give back just a tiny bit of what was given to him. i hope he finds his purpose. i hope we all do. xoxo Read/Post Comments (3) Previous Entry :: Next Entry Back to Top |
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