design with a side of dialogue
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art and music
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I'm in that euphoric state where you have the bank statement but you haven't reconciled your accounts. The in between before the beginning and after the end. I'm not really "at rest" but I am "not busy" mostly by choice. I seem to always have a supply of irons on the fire as it were.

The most recent project fiasco involves the school and a telescope. It's a situation where the left brain person is not talking to the right brain person in a language that can be understood by either of them. As rottgrub would say, its a "pickle" conversation. I have a sneaking suspision that I will not get money from them. Or not as much as I asked for. (apparently there were some wrist slapping earlier this week on both people that they couldn't promise things to students to get them to do business). Hrm. Not a good start into the world of freelance.

Ran into s in the hall today. He seems to be floating around in the same stream of activites as I am, or vice versa. He is really actualy a very talented illustrator - I keep having to curb the competative side of me (because I won't win this one) and remember that knowing a great illustrator is an important part of a graphic designer. I also feel that I need to take steps back into more fine art just for my own piece of mine. A lot of the time I'm solving the problem they have placed before me, and not necessarily creating the essense of the piece. I should really get back to working on my skills. Shawn at times is a reminder of this, indirectly. Yaga suggested getting a stand esal so I can start working big, which is a start. But I have a feeling I will need to get away from my living environment to do this thing. I need a studio environment that I can get to at night and in the morning. Something that may actually have people wandering through it, but something that I can keep my supplies at too. yes, this is based on my experience at kzoo. art and art and art and music. in that order.

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