design with a side of dialogue
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designing music yogurt
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So, I have been designing and designing and designing for about a week now...I almost feel I should start a design as I sat down at this computer. I think the problem -- the main problem, is that I'm trying to apply my adaptations to the projects given to me. IF I weren't trying to be myself, I would probably get more approval from my superiors and consequently more work done.

I like a lot of particular styles -- for instance, I like white space. I like negative and positive shapes. I like type effects and I like simplicity.

Minimalism is deceptively simple. It is actually very hard to emulate it in print. I need more space to fail, so I can get a feel for the style. I'm going to have to do that in my own work, because it ain't happening anywhere else.

n. took my design today. Said she would take care of it. I am now nervous. I'm waiting in dread to see if she uses it straight but gives me no credit, throws it out completely and does her own thing, or *actually* improves it. I'm not sure which of these I want. If she uses it straight, I'm a great graphic artist. If she throws it out, I am an indignant badly used artist. It is worse if she just fixes the type. Then I am just a student intern.

It's amazing what you can cover up with music.

Its disturbing the way low fat yogurt liquifies under heat.

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