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family of degrees
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I don't know. I don't really have anything to say. I'm about to throw the match so to speak and just finish the portfolio presentation instead of making it a piece of work. I mean ARRR-TAH. I find that if I keep avoiding it, it will never get done. Low-work level quarters always confuse me. I've stopped saying "if I only had more time" because I would just waste it anyway. the last moment is my moment.

guru is now looking at grad schools. Not intensely, or at least not immediately, but it does look like our time in pa will be drawing to its close at some point. Since it would be following a degree we are likely to do it. Hrm. Maybe I should look else were for this m.a. degree I'm looking at.

I realized the other day, where other couples may be dedicated to family and security, we are really more dedicated to truth and knowledge. The main reason we are one of the only couples to come through seminary without starting a family. I sometimes thing the family will start as a biproduct of our marriage, not as its focal point. It may become the focal point, but I don't think either of us have ever thought that the main reason we were placed here was to carry on our lineage.

well, off to see the marx brothers again this evening.

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