design with a side of dialogue
what I think about what I make

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I have found a way out of the box! I finally solved my groucho illustration. One down, 20 more to go. It's not all that bad. It only took me 2 months to solve it. The rest should be easy... /sarcasm

But seriously, I'm much happier with it and the general sense of motion I've had this week. A lot of effort is carrying over from the workplace. I feel I can at least apply some of the vwa practicality I've learned over the last couple of weeks to start making these things look realistic. [i.e. "nothing cute, just get it down"] The main problem is going to be dodging around my over commited schedule before Sept 19th. (graduation)

I'm not walking, but I will be showing my portfolio. I still need to work out the details with my job that day, to make sure I can get off, etc. I had enough of that silliness at k. I might walk for a masters though. I want the cool hood. (!)

I finally got an opportunity to chat with the media graphics guy at vwa today. He was as positive as everyone else I've talked to that learning director and video editing is the best job opportunity related to the web at the moment. Because, "EVERYTHING'S GOING THAT WAY." (I have heard that SOOO many times.) The last time I heard that, everyone was encouraging me to get on unemployment because "I DESERVED IT."

With that being said, he actually got back into print after doing web graphics during the web-boom. His reason: "Because there will always be a job." Apparently he suffered an office closure when the bottom fell out of the e-technology market. My only thought was, there will also be a ton of graphic artists for each of those jobs. But he seems happy doing both now for this design company, so I guess its a matter of finding your nitch.

I guess if I wanted to be on the bleeding edge I could go and work for the heritcs. There is nothing more depressing then reading about anti-advertisment advertisment. It is really interesting, and I can see what they are doing, but there's something fundimentally offensive about colorbook illustrations scribbled over in crayon when you are a newbie in the graphic design world.


My favorite idea they had was "Buy Nothing Day".

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