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Project: Brochure Patron: UEC LABS
Medium: Illustrator, Pagemaker, Photoshop
Status: Completed
Deadline: Passed

Just a small comment - the brochures came back from the printer friday. They look...good? I don't know. I've been to close to it for too long. They look like what I sent them. The type is too large -- just like I thought it would be. The images kind of work, but then kinda don't. But no one cares about things like that.

Guru asked me what I liked the most about it... I should have said that its finished. I'm now looking at a new project for Zetaweb - a mailer -- and I'm having a hard time not doing the same style of thing. My brain started looking for stock photography without a second thought. (Which is not going to be something zeta can afford. I'd need to go take my own pictures.) It might be time to break out the pencils again and start not thinking. I'm just feeling a bit burnt out theses days. I need to find some layout/design stamina.

I miss working on something that is just mine. No extra imput. Maybe that is a better way to look at it.

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