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Project: Academic Catalog
Patron: tesm
Medium: QuarkXpress 5.0
Status: in process
Deadline: End of Feb.

After worrying that I was taking too long on this project, I managed to push my way through the degree descriptions and course descriptions, and now stand poised to hammer out the last 3 elements of the catalog. I'm actually thinking about going in on Friday just to wrap up draft 1.0 for next week. It occured to me over the last few days, that I (still)need to learn how to work faster.

Project: Slide Catalog
Patron: uss
Medium: slides to RGB tifs, 600 dpi
Status: in process
Deadline: open

a word about this project...

1 row can hold about 8 slides.
Each tray has about 10 rows.
There are at least 50 trays on each side of the slide table (not counting the trays that have come undone and are littered about the floor, leaning against walls, etc.)
There are 4 additional tray holders next to the slide table. They each hold 50 or so trays too.
These tray holders sit on top of 2 drawer filing cabinets (4 of them) which *may or may not* contain more slides.
So we are looking at a slide bank of about 48000 or more slides. I say more, because there is an additional filing cabinet that is said to contain only duplicates and unusable stock photography. I've not actually opened it.
I scanned (and cleaned, stored, etc.) a total of 24 slides today.
At this rate, it would take me 2000, 8-hour days to move this slide catalog into cumulus, or approximately 5 years.

THE GOOD NEWS IS most of these slides seem to be duplicates. Though I can't weed all of them out from the start, I am having some success at doing it as I go.

*insert manic giggling here*

The high note about all this is that I get to use Photoshop 7.0 on a Mac OS X server. W00+!

Project: Cumulus Client and Web Access for the office
Patron: uss
Medium: Mac OS X (baby!)
Status: in process
Deadline: March 1st aprox.

This project involves setting up access to an image catalog using Cumulus software by Canto. I actually installed the software last year, and had most elements of it up and running, including the web publisher add-on. I went back in at the end of january to make a few changes to the seach pages and the results pages. I found out Friday that this broke the search function. It's all interwoven cgi scripts - so one page has 4 or 5 components, usually served from different documents. I was able to isolate the problem today. It's not the standard doc, it's something else deeper in the code.

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