design with a side of dialogue
what I think about what I make

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I could stay a bit longer...
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Project: USSteel New
Patron: uss
Medium: pagemaker 7.0 (god help us)
Status: Final draft
Deadline: last friday

This project went like this:

"Can you scan a few photos?"
an hour passes
"Could you clean up a few photos?"
"Actually we need someone to fix this layout."
"Oh, we mean redesign it. Now about these other spreads..."
"Do you think you could make all the text changes for this and manage the correct version until the other designer can get to it? Thanks."

And I stepped up and did it, though it means no extra pay or probably much credit. Through the whole exchange, LB kept saying I should leave when I had to. Don't feel you have to stick around. But how could I leave? They had at least one designer out on vacation and this thing was 2 days late to the printer. What am I going to do? "See ya and good luck." *waves*

So I stayed and I worked on it. It is actually the type of design that I enjoy doing, namely publication design. If I could layout articles all day, I would have the perfect job. Unfortunately, I haven't found that yet. I mean its not stricktly the typography, though that is part of it. I also like manipulating the art and working the two together to get the synergy of the type and the page together. That is really what I enjoy.

What I did on this USSN was rudimentary. I could really make this thing sing if given a chance. Just ask Trinity. It's what I've been doing for them for the last few months.

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