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Amused, Tired

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Project: Mailer
Patron: ZetaWeb
Medium: InDesign 2.0
Status: Draft 1.0
Deadline: June 30, 2003

The deadline is set by me because that will be when I will be splitting ways with zeta. They have been great, but the time has come. The last project I will be doing for them will be an informational brochure/mailer that they can handout to potential customers. I've basically got 3 days to work on it, but they are spaced out over the next few weeks. I got a basic idea down this afternoon, after visiting the business 101 website from the usps. I'm not sure if it is relevant, but I like looking at it to get an idea of what will and won't work in our mail system, just in case they decide to do a direct mail thing.

Eh...Probably not going to happen.

So far it is following the new website model in color and layout. I'm trying to stick to 2 inks to cut down on cost, though I think we are going to go to a real printer for these, instead of Kinko's. At the moment the flatsize is 8.5"x3.666" (1/3rd a letter size?) and is a trifold. This is where knowing where the mailing address and what side the fold should go on is helpful.

Other than that, I basically was cleaning up the corp id reference which actually meant I was going through and organizing their electronic design files (eps, gifs and such) while I was in there. Found out we had a few bad wordmarks floating around. Won't do at all. So that is now settled. Also banged out a quick letterhead, with promises to create a word doc template if I have time. So it was busy, but I again have nothing to show for it. :)

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