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Newsprint Is Fun
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Project: Newsletter
Patron: pgh diocese
Medium: QuarkXPress 5.0
Status: Draft 1.5
Deadline: 9/5/03

*shudder* I feel like I've been working in quark for 4 weeks interspursed with family visits ... which is basically the case. I've found I'm having trouble differencating between people and fonts. I think a vacation will be in order once I'm through the next set of hurdles.

But the subject at hand is the really fun project a newsletter for the diocese of pgh. Though the topic is serious in tone, I've had a great time designing the brochure and working with the editor. So far we seem to be gadging the other's creativity accurately and the project is getting along collaboratingly well. Not always the case with a project that is new to both parties. It has also opened up for me a whole new role in information organizing; namely an editor. Since I have found myself sitting in that role for a different project (this one unofficial) it has been informative. I don't think I naturally have the talents of an editor, but I am always big on sitting on the other side of the fence to better understand how someone's job works. It makes it easier to help them if you know what they need.

This is the first time I've been involved with a newsprint press company vs. regular paper weight. I assume some of the same courtesies apply, but maybe not. I asked for a quote a week ago and I haven't recieved an email. Maybe they mailed it snail mail. Maybe I'm not suppose to ask for a quote. Who knows. I hope to give them a call today to find out what's up.

Since the paper and the press equipment are different, the paper is handled differently. There are things called "nibbers" and they will trail ink across your document if you are not careful. This is the first time I've not been able to use full bleeds in a project. I think I've found a decent work-around for it, but I won't really know until I see a final version.

The document itself is 24 pages long, with a magazine layout. We are planning on doing process color on the outside covers, and a color insert in the center. There is still some debate as to what type of color/ink type we are going to follow for the rest of the issue -- not between me and the editor but between us and the printer. I am pushing for pantone and black, but it might end up just being black. The photos will also be lower resolution then what I'm use to (200 dpi), and I've got a lurking doubt that this press is not going to like the crazy crap you have to do in quark to design an interesting page. So, I should probably plan on a week of "printer errors". Too bad this has to be out the door and too direct mail by the end of next week.

Project: Catalog 2003
Patron: tesm
Medium: QuarkXpress 5.0
Deadline: passed

Heard that the catalog went off to the printers last week. I'm looking forward to seeing what the final version looks like. From what I can tell, not too many changes took place to my original design when the cover and photographs were applied. This is probably a peice I will show in my portfolio, since I had a great hand in its design and care this year. Hope they ask me back to do the next one though.

Project: Newsletter
Patron: Grace Church
Medium: open, probably quark
Status: Gathering Articles
Deadline: 9/15/03

So this is really more of a volunteer project than anything else. I consider it part of my tythe. I think the original document is in Publisher, but since I don't have publisher I might just get on with something I have access to. I'm actually thinking about changing the format too. My parent's church do a tabloid type newsletter, that I think looks good and is easy to design. I hope also that it will be cheaper to mail as well, but I need to look into that before I get to much further. This project has changed hands many times and has not really had a driving force behind it -- usually people start looking at me so I've decide to just take the helm and get it done. With any luck we will be able to settle into a routine.

Project: Jan Term
Patron: tesm
Medium: QuarkXPress 5.0
Status: thumbnails
Deadline: open

So I think we are about at a point where TEEM and I can sit down and decide what the best way to reach people is for them. I sat in on some encouraging talks last week and I think we may move towards a new way of contacting people. It means I will need to take sometime to do research with the bulk mail options but hopefully more time for that will be available next week. I thinjk we will divide into 3 pieces, and try and keep the mailing and the printing to a minimum.

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