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Project: Trinity Newsletter
Patron: DOP
Medium: QuarkXPress 5.0
Status: Draft 1.0
Deadline: Mid October 2003


(I always seem like I'm saying that)

Finally I am starting the next Trinity Newsletter after a bit of hem and hawing over contract agreements. (or lack there of) This will be my first piece under the new Zeta unbrella. I am just generally happy to be free to work on a project instead of being in stand-by mode as more mundane (but pertenant) matters were decided.

The draft itself is much the same as before, though with the option to "redeem" my design mistakes. I'm making the column layouts slimmer, with tighter type treatment, less diffused information splattered across a page. I think they are coming along fine.

The regular articles are in kind of a jumbled heap in the middle of the newsletter right now, but that is why I'm meeting with the editor tomorrow to untangle the mess. The problem I am having is I can see 3 or 4 different ways I could push these articles but I want to touch base with MS before I shove. I also have a feeling the cover photo is going to be rejected. All of this I'm comfortable with since this is draft 1 after all. Who cares! I'll slap an elephant on it if you want. I'm really open to feedback at this stage of the process. This is really the throw open the doors stage, see what we can do with it stage. After this, we will need to tone it down, shape it up, sort it out and other good prepositions. But now we are just making sloppy sloppy art.

In other news, the I0104 brochure came in today from the printers. I'm looking forward to seeing how the green turned out. I didn't have time this afternoon to hunt down the brochure. I'm also looking forward to moving into the new zeta office (friday) so I can stop sending print jobs out without visually proofing them on a color laser printer. Gak.

In more other news, I recieved my guidlines for ethical yadda yadda yadda in the mail yesterday. It is a very unwieldy reference book -- in that it is a 7"x12" final size, 450+ pages book. About the most uncomfortable size book to handle. But a lot of those pages contain very useful information. I look forward to having it on hand when we are asked how much would it cost to provide a cartoon for a 12 week syndicate newspaper contract. Cause that could happen.

The other thing I did today was submit my DAS brochure for the HOW IDA competition. I don't think I will even get mentioned, but I at least took the trouble to enter. Keep doing this and eventually something I do will get recognized.

This reminded me about the Graphic Artists Guild or GAG for short. Great. Now there are two guilds I could join. (the other being AIGA, who is still feeling under the weather with cold fusion problems) I'm still dithering about joining a guild. I think I'm putting it off because I don't feel I'm a real graphic designer. (yet anyway) I don't know what I think I've been doing for the last year but I seem to be having doubts about my worthiness to be taken seriously. I guess I would feel better if I knew other graphic artsts. At this point I just feel like a poiser. :/


This means I'm going to have to go socialize.

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