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October 2006
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01: little she-who-is: the numbers (1 comments)
01: sunday/monday dots (7 comments)
02: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (28 comments)
03: another exercise (1 comments)
04: studio 60, emergent (16 comments)
05: postcard from KC (12 comments)
06: highlights from today (14 comments)
07: final conference thought (3 comments)
07: and in other news... (13 comments)
09: monday quilt scraps (13 comments)
10: tuesday quilt scraps (10 comments)
11: an update (12 comments)
11: clementines (a snippet of a poem)
11: houses (3 comments)
13: friday five: creature comforts (6 comments)
14: this and that (22 comments)
16: disney princesses (11 comments)
16: *clunk* (9 comments)
17: little she-who-is takes a sick day (9 comments)
19: family rule (6 comments)
20: friday five: anniversary word association (17 comments)
21: tasting menu (9 comments)
24: happy "take back your time" day (10 comments)
25: "take back your time" day, and writing (5 comments)
26: a halloween clarification (10 comments)
27: ghoulish friday five (14 comments)
28: new photos up
30: on the way to preschool (8 comments)
30: m's latest tricks (5 comments)

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